

— Lucky11 Report User
And they have made a difference in plenty of elections 3 comments
lucky11 · 11 weeks ago
Provisional ballet voters still have to be legal voters voting where they're supposed (registered) to vote. That's why they must be verified. Also, before some smart alec tries, voting more than once by using a provisional ballet is still illegal and you can be fined and charged with voter fraud. Not every state offers provisional ballets nor are they legally required too if they have EDR in place.
What do they mean? 2 comments
lucky11 · 15 weeks ago
Not Foo and bar but FUBAR. It's just pronounced foo-bar. Stands for F***** up beyond all recognition. "Saving Private Ryan" explains it if you watch the movie.
Innocent until gaslighted 1 comments
lucky11 · 16 weeks ago
This is why the only thing you should ever say whether you're innocent or guilty is "I want a lawyer".
Isn’t censoring words is the opposite of not caring about peoples’ feelings 2 comments
lucky11 · 18 weeks ago
Depending on city ordinances you can get ticketed for obscene/explicit language when it's posted in public.
Dwight did get his own back at times 2 comments
lucky11 · 19 weeks ago
Not autistic, just overbearing, strongly opinionated and has a strong desire to have power over others even if it involves stepping on others to get it. Hence, why it's so funny he gets pranked. Many times unpleasant people are just unpleasant and don't have a "condition" to justify it.
Try not to step on the snake (Massachusetts) 1 comments
lucky11 · 19 weeks ago
It's tiny enough I'm sure you could get all of it with good stomp.
Yeah, basically 2 comments
lucky11 · 19 weeks ago
Yes and no. The values and ideas of a culture are going to directly contribute to what they can do. Violence is just something that can be done. Using violence effectively combined with a culture that promotes advancement and then using that advancement in all aspects of your culture, which includes ways to be violent, is proof of the superiority of ideas, values, or religion.
TLDR: You don't gain superiority in the application of violence without also having superior cultural ideas, values, or religions.
2 · Edited 19 weeks ago
Some people 1 comments
lucky11 · 21 weeks ago
It's not finished.
Excuse me, I did not understand the 6th one… 1 comments
lucky11 · 21 weeks ago
The uppermost layer of the skin, stratum corneum also called the horny layer is composed of keratin-filled cells covered by a lipid matrix which shields the skin from physical and chemical entrants. The lipid lamellar structure comprises of ceramides, cholesterol, fatty acids and proteins.
Regal second-hand inoffensive 1 comments
lucky11 · 21 weeks ago
Well health potions are generally red which stems from the color of blood. There's a whole history of that in medicine pictures denoting it's, the medicine's, contribution to health. Mana, is derived from the ether which is just a fancy name for the clear sky; the upper regions of air beyond the clouds. When it's day time and you look up what color is the sky? Blue. So even though I did make this up on the spot it's a good enough answer that I'd buy it.
· Edited 21 weeks ago
2 shells, Iam taking him with me 1 comments
lucky11 · 21 weeks ago
I don't know of any place that will sell just one shell. A box? Yes. One? No. I get the point of the joke but it's like going to the grocery store and buying one, uncooked, hotdog. It just doesn't happen.
Top werk 2 comments
lucky11 · 21 weeks ago
Nuclear Energy is generally lumped into the renewable category when considering how clean and safe it is. If all energy production was converted to nuclear it would not only vastly decrease pollution it would drastically increase production. This would lead to a much more sustainable model and end much of the energy shortage.
2 · Edited 21 weeks ago
Classic 1 comments
lucky11 · 21 weeks ago
Then it worked. That was the entire point of Merrie Melodies series of cartoons.
Tell me what's wrong here? 2 comments
lucky11 · 21 weeks ago
Spoiler Alert
1 · Edited 21 weeks ago
Halp 1 comments
lucky11 · 21 weeks ago
You know what the best thing about these was? That little gap at the end was for a screw driver. A simple flat head and it was no struggle at all, at all, getting these things off. That being said I could probably count on one hand how many times in my 40 years of life that I've used a screw driver to remove or tighten one of these.
Second-best curved bent 4 comments
lucky11 · 22 weeks ago
They can call themselves whatever they want, doesn't make them Christians.
Second-best curved bent 4 comments
lucky11 · 22 weeks ago
Umm, loving and forgiving of everyone, not accepting. That's a totally different thing.
Good news, everyone! 3 comments
lucky11 · 23 weeks ago
Gotta fix that headline. "A numerologist claims a Biblical prophecy says the Rapture is coming April 23." There, now we have a much more accurate portrayal of the story.
Correct 3 comments
lucky11 · 24 weeks ago
I mean if you're a kid and your parents (billionaires) are killed in mugging outside a theatre and then you inherit the money. There's nothing ethically wrong with the kid getting the money.
Groundbreaking 1 comments
lucky11 · 24 weeks ago
Most of the "Art of War" isn't groundbreaking. And wasn't groundbreaking at the time. It was and is however a great compendium of ways to make your enemies hate you even more and is generally considered more effective than sticking out your tongue at them and saying "Nah, nah, na, nah, naah". Also, it was so that you could make better plans on the battlefield than: Step one, have enemy. Step two, have weapon. Step three,. Step four, win!!
Work smarter 3 comments
lucky11 · 25 weeks ago
Pizza rolls.
Stupendous traveled tasty 3 comments
lucky11 · 27 weeks ago
Or they may consider it a gift and feel obligated to return a favor. Not that you may like that favor but it's sorta like equivalent exchange. Again, not that you would consider it an equivalent exchange but you don't have a say in it either.
Life hack: Describe your exact symptoms to the vet, but say it's about your dog 6 comments
lucky11 · 27 weeks ago
Off hand I would say a UTI. Typically, small ones can and will resolve themselves but to speed them on I would recommend lots of liquids. In a human I would say drink alot of cranberry juice (the real stuff 100% juice) but in a dog? Lots of water.
Asking the real questions 1 comments
lucky11 · 27 weeks ago
Was very confused for a second. Thought it was talking about the other contractions like: I'm, wasn't, didn't, or isn't.