

— Lucky11 Report User
Simpler times 1 comments
lucky11 · 23 weeks ago
Awsome cold unearthly 1 comments
lucky11 · 23 weeks ago
I definitely did not see a fire pit on my first glance. Nope, totally saw the group of people in the middle of hay bales with lighting ringing the inner side of the bales.
They are afraid 8 comments
lucky11 · 23 weeks ago
Daydreaming seems to be a viable method though. Keeps your mind engaged and doesn't require anything. Also "most" people won't start worst case scenario thinking. Of those even, "most" of them won't induce a panic attack. However, if you do fall into that small percentage, absolutely, do what you need to keep your mind engaged and actively pursuing a healthy line of thought.
They are afraid 8 comments
lucky11 · 23 weeks ago
And "travel experts" are who we should all go to for the psychological evaluation of this method of decompression. And by "travel expert" they mean some guy that sits in a chair at their job and not someone whose job is to actually travel.
Sleepy Bison 1 comments
lucky11 · 23 weeks ago
Earthworms can't hear bird noises. They have no ears and can only feel vibrations through their bodies. Most birds do have sheer volume necessary to let earthworms "hear" them.
You're welcome 2 comments
lucky11 · 23 weeks ago
Square: a regular quadrilateral, which has all the four sides of equal length and all four angles are also equal
noun: a four-sided figure.
adjective: having four straight sides.
So no, this is not a square. Just remember all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares.
Does anyone have an idea how long it takes to download a 16 million TB file? 1 comments
lucky11 · 24 weeks ago
Apparently, about 7 hours and 49 minutes.
· Edited 24 weeks ago
Gothic Quarter, Barcelona (short vid in comments) 1 comments
lucky11 · 24 weeks ago
Hmm... no vid. Must be a bot repost. Here ya go instead.
· Edited 24 weeks ago
Journalism keyboard 3 comments
lucky11 · 24 weeks ago
The "x" key is replaced withe the phrase, "Formerly known as Twitter".
Now you mention it… 7 comments
lucky11 · 25 weeks ago
Nope. We don't really tolerate anymore than previous generations. We're just more altruistic about it. We hope that by informing the idiots they won't be idiots. That doesn't make us more tolerant.
Several times a year 1 comments
lucky11 · 25 weeks ago
More than you'd expect and a whole lot more than I think i actually think about it.
Now you mention it… 7 comments
lucky11 · 25 weeks ago
Yes, but also no. Stupid is stupid, there's no denying that. As far as owners manuals though? The sheer amount of computerization and special equipment needed to make adjustments on many cars prohibits the average consumer from doing many things. That doesn't make the current generation stupid just a generation more willing to look out for the idiots, on paper at least, than previous ones.
A picture of Jesus making out with Judas from a 14th century illuminated manuscript 1 comments
lucky11 · 25 weeks ago
So the best part of this isn't the completely wrong take on a cultural act. Instead it's the accidental highlight to something not even in the picture. For a very long time religious books were hand written (no duh). What most don't realize is that many were written in monasteries because monks made good scribes, what with them being generally literate and with more time on their hands. Now, just because a bunch of guys swore off the sex didn't mean it wasn't always on their minds. Many manuscripts, have interesting pictures drawn in them that are of the hiding in plain sight variety.
More Reliable than iPhones 2 comments
lucky11 · 25 weeks ago
Well, any phone where you can remove the battery can't be tracked as long as the power source is not connected. Of course we can't track bricks either, but a brick isn't very useful if I need to make a call.
Paradox resolved. 1 comments
lucky11 · 25 weeks ago
Of course a contract has to be accepted by both parties or there isn't a contract merely a one sided expectation. To then use that one sided expectation as an excuse to vilify or demean the other party completely defeats the purpose of any Tolerance. This is why it's not a social contract but instead a moral standard. A moral standard doesn't need everyone to accept it. Those that do, fall under that social construct we call a culture. Different cultures have different moral standards and while some standards seem to be cross cultural, nuances will always exist. The argument presented is fundamentally flawed and completely ignores individuality and diversity of thought. It was a good try though.
1 · Edited 25 weeks ago
Why 1 comments
lucky11 · 25 weeks ago
To be fair, Voldemort is a man. Men use shampoo as a soap for their bodies routinely.
Stay wholesome 2 comments
lucky11 · 25 weeks ago
Unless there's a Larry.
Abandoned asylum cemetery of the insane 1 comments
lucky11 · 25 weeks ago
Whew, that's good. For a second there I thought it was the "abandoned asylum cemetery for the sane".
Trump supporters wearing “dictator” apparel 2 comments
lucky11 · 25 weeks ago
Meanwhile, "most" Trump supporters are looking at these guys like the crazies they are. At least someones making money off of them.
Lol, lmao :) 3 comments
lucky11 · 26 weeks ago
Am very confused. I though Biden withdrew from the running.
Everyone who was supporting Ye a week ago for his "free speech" 1 comments
lucky11 · 30 weeks ago
Free speech means I can insult someone as much as like and as long as it's only words and not a call to action/violence it should not be punishable by law. However, just like anything else there are consequences to our actions. If we have free speech, which I'm %100 for, we should also be ready to accept it when someone insults us back or public opinion vilifies us for jerkish behaviour.
Let's go to the sewer 1 comments
lucky11 · 31 weeks ago
I used to always check the change slots on pay phones. Of course I had to make sure there wasn't a needle jammed in there first.
Insincere Commies 1 comments
lucky11 · 36 weeks ago · Edited 36 weeks ago
Migga please 3 comments
lucky11 · 36 weeks ago
That'd be funny, especially when it's weeks later and you have to tell them you switched it cause it's still switched on their keyboard and they didn't even notice.