

— Lydia~ Report User
I WANTS IT!!!! 10 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
I love She-Ra so much, it's amazing rep!
Nothing a 50 minute therapy session can't fix 5 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
It's been really helpful, because usually when someone gives tips on how to stop panic attacks, they don't go into as much detail as my therapist does, so I'd always get confused, and then more upset when they wouldn't work. Now I know how to actually do them, I can calm myself before I freak out.
Nothing a 50 minute therapy session can't fix 5 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
I'm starting to like therapy, I think it's helping me already :3
Wait a minute 7 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
Not to be confused with Demibisexual, which is an actual thing (being demisexual and bisexual at the same time, so you're only really able to be sexually attracted to those you're super close with already, and gender isn't always a deciding factor)
Gratitude Journal Week 2 - Girls 8 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
AWW, meee?!?!? You're so sweet!
Thaaannkks! I'm slightly drunk and this made me really happy :D
I didn't really like frogs before you started posting them, and now I look forward to seeing your content :3
Put the hash brown in the sandwich it’s better 8 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
I've actually tried that in the past, it's half decent, and it helps with the craving sometimes, but it's not quite the same, haha. I appreciate the tip, nonetheless :3
Put the hash brown in the sandwich it’s better 8 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
Yeah, chicken and fish too. Not entirely sure why red meat is the cause, but cutting it out stopped my skin from being so fucked.
Horrible Entity just wants a friend 4 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
There's something about the art style of this post, that I LOVE.
It's so simple, yet so elegant.
Put the hash brown in the sandwich it’s better 8 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
McMuffins are one of the 2 things I crave most after stopping eating red meat. (The other is pulled pork sandwiches)
I'd actually kill to be able to eat one without my skin condition coming back.
Just woken up from her nap 3 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
This post made me do a double take, that looks exactly like one of my cats, Tia, except she has a half-moustache this one doesn't.
/r9k/ button dilemma 14 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
Pink. I'm ugly as fuck, so it'd be an upgrade LMAO.
So you’re a girl? 5 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
Ugh, I've had guys be gross in games before, for no fucking reason.
Like, one time, someone (in public chat) said "show boobs to prove you're not a a guy", and then some guy decided to white-knight for me, and then he started being creepy once the other guy left.
Its not a choice, its not their fault 7 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
What, where's the blue on the bi flag??? Bottom stripe should be blue!
Played "Kids Against Maturity" on Christmas and my 13-yr-old throws this one down 81 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
Mary had a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
My autocorrect really likes suggesting "a" now.
I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder 6 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
That's kinda hot.
57 years ago, but I remember like it was yesterday 4 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
...It's mindblowing to think that was so long ago...
Fall asleep unassisted 7 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
I had to take melatonin tablets all the time as a kid, because for unknown reasons, my body clock always becomes nocturnal.
I don't take any nowadays, or any other kind of sleeping aid because nothing fuckin works.
Tbh, I'm kinda happy that the doctors couldn't find anything that works for longer than a week, because night is so much less stressful.
1 · Edited 3 years ago
Iridescent Snake Scales (SnekSubstance) 10 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
aww, i never touched one whenever i was given the opportunity because i was scared of a ton of things as a kid (during trips to zoos and stuff, when we were permitted to touch). (tbh i was slightly more scared of germs from touching a live animal than the snake itself LMAO)
if i get another opportunity to, i'll pet a snek.
Someone take the wheel? 13 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
yes, god, that's all I want. i can't handle the responsibility of making decisions for 2 people,,,
Iridescent Snake Scales (SnekSubstance) 10 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
Huh, I was under the impression that snakes were less...soft?
Disgusting stiff stupendous Beaver 4 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
Communism 6 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
Haha free stuff go brrrr
Pitching pastel Quail 1 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
Because they're vicious and will have no sympathy when they run you over.
They will LAUGH afterwards, too.
(I know from experience, my mom has to use a a wheelchair when she goes anywhere outside)
Found the wheel from the image on the 10 rupee note! 4 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
I have memories of my grandad bringing Indian banknotes over here, and I got excited when he gave me one (I think it was a little more valuable than the pictured one), but I got super disappointed when I later learned that rupees were significantly less than GBP, and probably more valuable to just look at.
Then you have to walk slow 3 comments
lydia · 3 years ago
I gave up on my first Skyrim playthrough because my hoarding had consequences.
(I played BotW a while before I even tried Skyrim, so I was hoping to just *pick up everything*
(Unrelated, but my second attempt at a playthrough glitched so everything was stuck at 2x speed, so everything went comically fast, and NPCs talked over themselves. Maybe I won't have to worry about being overburdened if I'm already going really fast...?)
1 · Edited 3 years ago