Did they even try with Iron Man? 10 comments
· 11 years ago
LMAO Iron man ... no words !
Strange employee rules 14 comments
· 11 years ago
Not sure, it was years ago I watched it and haven't watched it since. It was pretty early on
I'm falling..... 12 comments
· 11 years ago
Takes 0:03 seconds for a sausage but 10:02 for a banana... interesting ;)
Prepare for cuddles 19 comments
Waking up with sleep paralysis 38 comments
· 11 years ago
That actually really gave me the shivers... I knew what was coming but it really scared me haha
Bro code 11 comments
Strange employee rules 14 comments
Which One Is Your Sherlock Holmes? 35 comments
· 11 years ago
Uhmm... I think both potray different holmes. I can't really say which is better. But I do love RDJ a lot at the moment so I dunno.....
Being a Surrogate like a Boss 4 comments
· 11 years ago
This is hands down the cutest thing ever. I mean he could have just fed them out of bottles/syringes but he went the extra mile and did it so they thought it was real :3 Heart is melting!
I'm afraid... 4 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm sitting here laughing at the thought of receiving an email from someone saying that haha!
Jen and Josh Bromance 4 comments
I think we can all agree on this 8 comments
Mum just told a spoiler for the TV show I'm watching.. 7 comments
· 11 years ago
I KNOW! And the conversation went: me: "On this show, it's clear the two main characters are gonna get together but they keep them apart because-"
Mum: "But they ARE together, and they have a baby.
Me: 0.o I literally just said they weren't, so I clearly haven't watched that. WHAT THE FUUUUUCK
Mum: "But they ARE together, and they have a baby.
Me: 0.o I literally just said they weren't, so I clearly haven't watched that. WHAT THE FUUUUUCK
Mum just told a spoiler for the TV show I'm watching.. 7 comments
· 11 years ago
I just wanted to apologise about the quality haha, but yeah, definitely more emphasis!
Mum just told a spoiler for the TV show I'm watching.. 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Sorry poor quality, couldn't get a better one. But I'm so ANGRY RIGHT NOW!
What house are we all in? 112 comments