Mathew Puskar


Mathew Puskar Report User
One of my pet peeves... I can't be the only one 43 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
But in order for that to become their normal walking speed they would have had to ppractice.Putting in that much time and effort makes them more of an asshole, not less.
One of my pet peeves... I can't be the only one 43 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
No, because it takes a concious effort to walk that slowly. They are intentionally engaging in an act that provides them with no benefit but causes problems to others. Unless they are sadists in which case I suppose their benefit is taking joy in causing others to suffer.
One of my pet peeves... I can't be the only one 43 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
I'm not saying that they need to help anyone. They just need to not actively be a hinderance. There's a big difference.
One of my pet peeves... I can't be the only one 43 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
The definition of asshole from "a stupid, mean, or contemptible person."
Hits all three counts.
One of my pet peeves... I can't be the only one 43 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
So me believing that people who are behaving like assholes should stop doing so makes me an ass? That's a ridiculous assertion.
If I get to the narrow hallway before a slow person, they aren't affected because they can continue to be slow behind me as I get to my vehicle in a reasonable amount of time. They aren't being pulled along in my wake and forced to speed up to a normal pace. If they beat me to the hallway then I am forced to alter my pace because they are behaving like an asshole.
One of my pet peeves... I can't be the only one 43 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
Me walking at a reasonable pace doesn't affect anyone else, I just get further and further ahead. Them walking too slowly negatively affects me. And as I said earlier, I don't expect people to power walk, just to walk at a reasonable pace.
One of my pet peeves... I can't be the only one 43 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
If they're in the middle of a narrow hallway? Or on a sidewalk where the only way around involves stepping into mud or traffic? Yes, they are being an impediment and in doing so being an asshole. Just walk faster. It isn't fucking hard.
One of my pet peeves... I can't be the only one 43 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
If they are walking slowly and impeding others by doing so then yes, they are behaving as assholes.
One of my pet peeves... I can't be the only one 43 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
Catering to assholes is a better solution than expecting them to act like decent human beings? You're right, that sounds like a way better idea. Hell, why expect them to move at all? They should just build human barricades on sidewalks and in hallways to completely gum up foot traffic.
· Edited 9 years ago
One of my pet peeves... I can't be the only one 43 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
Or people can just not walk excessively slowly. That's a better solution.
One of my pet peeves... I can't be the only one 43 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
Yes, there is. They're holding me up.
One of my pet peeves... I can't be the only one 43 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
I'm not talking about power walking everywhere but walking at a downright ridiculously slow pace, especially down a narrow sidewalk or hallway, is just rude.
One of my pet peeves... I can't be the only one 43 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
Many people walk way slower than they need to. I'm not talking about individuals who have a disability of some sort, I'm referring to people who have no legitimate reason to walk slowly but do so anyways.
Oh Spiderman 4 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
This happened in Ultimate Spiderman when he met the X-Men
What the heck this couldn't be more true! 45 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
Because a basic grounding in science is far more important than artistic appreciation. Look at the measles outbreaks due to people not getting their kids vaccinated. This wouldn't have happened if these parents were even slightly scientifically literate. And most schools don't require calculus or even trigonometry, just theough algebra which is useful in everyday life. It helps me make financially prudent decisions at the grocery store. It's useful in minor construction projects around my home. These are real life skills.
I'm not going to say that the arts aren't difficult, I started painting models a few years ago and it's taken a lot of practice to get to what I would consider an average level of skill. There is a lot of technique and talent involved. But these skills aren't as necessary to being a functional adult as basic math and science are,
Behold the terrifying pitbull 19 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
Pit bulls are aggressive when people train them to act that way. They're a very intelligent, eager to please breed so that can lead to extremes of whatever behavior they ate trained towards.
Hell of a coincidence 9 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
Mesut is a footballer? When did he make the switch from soccer?
Welcome To Today's World 19 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
It isn't his job to stop his team from scoring, that responsibility belongs to the other team.
Supporting the local team 8 comments
magonus · 9 years ago
Huh. That's an odd looking football field. Looks more like a soccer pitch.
magonus · 10 years ago
Or this all could have been avoided if they didn't post spoilers to a 2 day old movie. Title or not they were in the wrong
magonus · 10 years ago
I'm just calling it like it is. Maybe jerk or the equivalent would have been a better term since what they posted was incredibly rude but the original post displayed a lack of common sense so idiot is also on fitting.
magonus · 10 years ago
No the fault lies with the idiot who decided to post spoilers about a brand new movie so they could tell a made up a story about a theater audience. They could have easily picked an older movie for their fake story
magonus · 10 years ago
I come here for the posts not the titles. They rarely ads anything to my enjoyment of the site.
magonus · 10 years ago
Im with thatguyyouknow. I don't read titles and haven't seen it yet. It's one thing if it's been a few weeks but it's been two days.
Turrurizum 45 comments
magonus · 10 years ago
Where is he getting that much gasoline for only $2?