Hi, I'm Matt! I live in Colorado, I'm 14 and always free. If you ever need someone to talk to my kik is newsockz! (and this may surprise you, I've got a gf)
— Mamo222 Report User
Respect 28 comments
· 9 years ago
Thank you, but I find a hilarity in the irony of your name and what you posted
Humans can be very cruel sometimes 42 comments
· 10 years ago
Who gives a fuck about the animals? Children in America are starving and homeless and you wanna fight for the rights of a whale? Good for you, but shouldn't we save our race before we try to save others?
Humans can be very cruel sometimes 42 comments
Maybe that's cuz it is... O.o 13 comments
Best delivery 14 comments
You are NOT getting my purse! 20 comments
Admit Something Nobody Knows About You (Don't Use Names For Privacy Reasons) 1107 comments
· 10 years ago
I support Gary rights because I have family who is gary (hoping to god someone gets my reference so I don't sound entirely insane.) I'm not gay no, but I am an ally.
Edited 10 years ago
Admit Something Nobody Knows About You (Don't Use Names For Privacy Reasons) 1107 comments
· 10 years ago
First off high goddamn five for being open with this. Secondly, you gotta just keep trying man. You'll see, you'll find a nice guy. When you do I want you to come back here and tell us all about him, got it?
You are NOT getting my purse! 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Alright ladies and gentleman the match everyone's been waiting for, random Asian woman v purse theif!!! The purse theif tries to make a move and there's a devistating German suplex by random Asian woman. Looks like he's down for good. John Cena wins!
Edited 10 years ago
Admit Something Nobody Knows About You (Don't Use Names For Privacy Reasons) 1107 comments
· 10 years ago
Guardian's right, it will get better. I've had my fair share of thoughts but I've always been stopped by friends or family or people who love me. If you ever, and I mean ever, need someone to talk/rant to I'm here for ya. I'll post my phone number if you want or you can kik me or snapchat me or anything, just talk to someone, please.
Protect yourself 22 comments
· 10 years ago
To quote the elegant Matt of two best friends play "c*nt punt that b*tch" ahh such poetry.
· 10 years ago
Who is in the middle? Not goku but the one with veggies hair and krillin's face?
Crazy to Think About 29 comments
But I am supperior 7 comments