

Professional Shit Poster and Commentator. Short and ridiculous <3
Occasional promoter of tolerance and intelligence.
Layers. Many layers.
MissCr3ant Report User

"Your milk is crap, Tina."

"Your milk is crap, Tina."

*cackles in silent*

*cackles in silent*

I cri evvry tiem.

I cri evvry tiem.

New From Dogstar Games

New From Dogstar Games

Piggyback Rides on the Beach

Piggyback Rides on the Beach

Crowd sings "Numb" at Linkin Park Chester Bennington Tribute VIDEO

Crowd sings "Numb" at Linkin Park Chester Bennington Tribute

Not gonna happen.

Not gonna happen.

It's elementary, my dear.

It's elementary, my dear.

When you just want somebody to hold your bewbs.

When you just want somebody to hold your bewbs.

Idk about you, but I would go tap tap tapping upon her chamber door.

Idk about you, but I would go tap tap tapping upon her chamber door.