

learned to live, just before started to die

— thomasha Report User
Grey's Anatomy fans 13 comments
mariachi · 8 years ago
Daaaamn! 7 comments
mariachi · 8 years ago
Thank god
Grey's Anatomy fans 13 comments
mariachi · 8 years ago
Meanwhile in the Netherlands 24 comments
mariachi · 8 years ago
Idk if you're new here, but these guys seem to hate grammar nazi's. I've too, learned the hard way.
Meanwhile in the Netherlands 24 comments
mariachi · 8 years ago
Netherland is so tiny and still in the middle of the country, where I live, there's absolutely nothing. We still had to go to school!
He is one of the best modern composers in my opinion 23 comments
mariachi · 8 years ago
I totally agree! I've played a couple of his pieces, like i giorni and una matina. I love time lapse!
Daaaamn! 7 comments
mariachi · 8 years ago
Please dont tell me this ks the doctors name. If so this is the worst spoiler ever. I've been able to have starwars not spoiled to me.
If you love someone, set them free... 20 comments
mariachi · 8 years ago
I didn't quite have that one in mind, but thanks anyway! :)
If you love someone, set them free... 20 comments
mariachi · 8 years ago
I feel like this is a quote from a movie. Or that this was used is some movie. Anyone know which movie? I can't quite recall.
Heating food with laptop charger 8 comments
mariachi · 8 years ago
Nee, hoor. En mn meeste reactie zijn wel in het Engels.
· Edited 8 years ago
Heating food with laptop charger 8 comments
mariachi · 8 years ago
Persoonlijk vind ik het altijd leuk om nederlandse reacties te lezen. En ik betwijfel dat iemand van niet nederlandse nationaliteit het iets boeit dat het een saucijzenbroodje is haha
Heating food with laptop charger 8 comments
mariachi · 8 years ago
Ziet eruit als een frikadel broodje
Good guy luigi 17 comments
mariachi · 9 years ago
Don't be sad little luigi. Me and my brother always fought about being you.
Ash looks older because... 16 comments
mariachi · 9 years ago
Also his face is longer and his ears are smaller
I painted my old shoes, what do you think? 25 comments
mariachi · 9 years ago
That's awesome. You're awesome. I love it.
S.H.I.E.L.D. 7 comments
mariachi · 9 years ago
I still don't get it. I only see the 's' from steve
Any BMTH Fans Here? 20 comments
mariachi · 9 years ago
OOHMYYGOOD doesn't really show enough how much I love them
Celebrities that look alike 23 comments
mariachi · 9 years ago
So you are saying Robin looks like The Joker?
The ultimate crossover... 2 comments
mariachi · 9 years ago
What's wrong with Robin? Or it is some kind of South Park reference I don't get?
Hardcore Disney Princesses 10 comments
mariachi · 9 years ago
It's a matter of taste (if that is proper english)
So confuzzled 20 comments
mariachi · 9 years ago
That stuff is heaven
Any bros?? 52 comments
mariachi · 9 years ago
No one would disagree
Leave everything behind 56 comments
mariachi · 9 years ago
You are (insert user name here)
The truth about the Hunger Games 30 comments
mariachi · 9 years ago
That love story of mopagirl and thankyou is so cuuuteee
who remembers this? 12 comments
mariachi · 9 years ago