

— married_dude Report User
I missed you 1 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
If your boy/girlfriend tells you, "I think we should see other people," rest assured, they already have someone in mind.
Nostalgiavember Day 16 - Heroes of Might and Magic 2 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
One of my all time favorites
"Describe your perfect date" 1 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
April 25. It's not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.
Rare photo of someone smiling in the 19th century, 1894, Oklahoma 8 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Another reason you don't see many smiles was you had to hold your facial expression for a certain amount of time or the picture would be blurry, and smiles can be kind of hard to hold for that long.
Please wait... Your ideal environment is recalibrating 8 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
(This whole thing is actually an experiment in Moscow, Russia. From what I can tell, it is on going and they don't know if it will work yet or not. )
I don't know where you are getting your info from, but the cow pictured in a Holstein cow, and they only live for an average of about 6 years. After you take into account the damages done to these things (cows can be kind of rough) and the cost of replacements, I am very skeptical that this will work.
· Edited 3 years ago
Please wait... Your ideal environment is recalibrating 8 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
How much do these things cost, versus how much extra milk? There is no way that the economics on this work.
So sad 4 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Yeah, that happens. If they are too friendly, then they can't do the job of a police dog.
Photobomb level: Queen of England 1 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
I think I read about this. They didn't realize what had happened until they got home and were going back through the pictures. It made for a cool story.
Isn't She Beautiful 6 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
This was taken right before she gutted the photographer and then strangled them with their own intestines.
OK but who asked that...? 6 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Actually, fiance', but still a great guy. Best wishes to the both of them.
Delray beach, florida 7 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
This is in Australia (of course), and is actually a statue of a snake. (Sorry to burst anyone's bubble!)
Best revenge I'd say 14 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
I agree, just call off the wedding, and if asked, don't lie about why. Let her experience the natural consequences of her actions, and be done with it.
:'( please 3 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
If the kid can already cure cancer, why does he need to go to college?
Nothing happened 2 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Aren't you supposed to have a safety line hooked up, for this very reason?
My news feed after the debate 16 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
There are a fair number of Trump voters that feel the same way.
Run run 1 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Even though this cartoon was drawn decades ago, I can't help but thinking, "Well, to be fair, if they are still using a rotary phone, a VCR, and CRT TV, they are still kinda in the Stone Ages." :)
Phamphlets for the people 16 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Actually, no, that's not what I was going to say. If there is a way to present an honest summary of the pros and cons of the given object being voted on, then this would be a very effective tool.
(BTW, I agree with your quote above about the best argument against democracy. To add to it, I believe it was Churchill who said it was the worst form of government except for all of the others.)
Phamphlets for the people 16 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Unbiased? It depends on who "they" are that makes the pamphlets. In theory, this looks good, but everyone has their biases and everyone has an agenda.
The 1960's were not know for their safety standards 4 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
You are not as far off of the ground as this picture makes it look.
A letter from 41 to 42 2 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
George Bush was a class act. He was not without his failings, like all of us, but he was, in my opinion, the most under-rated and under appreciated president of our time.
Modern arranged marriages 11 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Can someone explain the last picture? I think I am missing some element to this one.
It’s been a good year 4 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Did you start at the top or the bottom?
Families moving into freshly built neighborhoods in the golden years 9 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Lakewood, California, moving day. While there were a ton of homes that everyone moved into all at once, this particular photo was staged for Life Magazine (notice how you can clearly see the names on the moving vans). And yes, racial housing was very much a thing in southern California in that day.
Families moving into freshly built neighborhoods in the golden years 9 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Lakewood, California, moving day. While there were a ton of homes that everyone moved into all at once, this particular photo was staged for Life Magazine (notice how you can clearly see the names on the moving vans). And yes, racial housing was very much a thing in southern California in that day.
Femanon ran into her past 7 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Take a screenshot, email it to his boss.