Ouch 8 comments
· 5 years ago
For me, not true. I specifically don't check my messages and sometimes don't have my phone with me after working hours or on the weekend. Mainly because I have a job where I have to be reachable all the time.. so it's kind of like a detox of the pressure of being available all the time. And if there's anything super important then important people have my phone number.
Estonians every night 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Even a better one: öötöö(literal translation: night's work, meaning basically night shift or working at night)
Last week we got to 7°C here and I was dying. Only one of my students showed up to class 17 comments
· 5 years ago
In a few days it's expected to be around -2°C (+windchill) where I live, so I would love to have 5°C or 7°C here instead..
Running away from my conservative family and move far away from my hometown. Wish me luck 4 comments
Every idea is welcome 22 comments
· 5 years ago
Write your feelings out on a paper or if possible go for a walk in the nature.
And most important, keep breathing, deeply and slowly. For me it actually works even better with eyes closed.
Also, pets help a lot. & nothing's better than having a pet or someone to cuddle with.
And most important, keep breathing, deeply and slowly. For me it actually works even better with eyes closed.
Also, pets help a lot. & nothing's better than having a pet or someone to cuddle with.
The Royal Bananas believes in you 6 comments
Seen in Kew Gardens, London. Couldn't find anything about it 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I think so too.
There's a lot of color variations of this plant. I had one with pink and it was almost the same, except the color.
Edited 6 years ago
There's a lot of color variations of this plant. I had one with pink and it was almost the same, except the color.
Horrible employer 25 comments
What's it called in your country? 33 comments
Rubber bands put to good use 3 comments
What are you doing Carl 9 comments
It's already happening 6 comments
'Raccoon' in Hungarian 21 comments
· 8 years ago
In Estonian it is called "pesukaru" and also translates to 'washing-bear'
Edited 8 years ago
That would be amazing 22 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually, we have that in Estonia. You usually study for free(only if you are learing in Estonian, Bachelors and Masters in English aren't free) but if you fail at a course then you have to pay for the failed course. Usually the tuition is paid by the Ministry of Eduacation and Research
Edited 8 years ago
Some women wink better than others. 10 comments