

Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history

— Dakota Report User
Overrated fancy grotesque Mandrill 8 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
God damnit fs. The bots steal memes directly from other sites but i cant fucking link the other site so people get the context that they're missing from posts. W t f.
America first 6 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Uh? Wasn't the whole point of civil war that the governments/militaries shouldn't be incharge and aren't inherently good?
Tony stark was good, yes but not always. His redemption is what made him good.
I hope this is satire i really do.
The flag has autism 11 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Eh... football refered to both rugby and soccer at one point. The only reason it was called football is because it was played on foot with a ball rather than on horse with a ball
Our future 8 comments
metalman · 4 years ago 3
Our future 8 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
I like the skinhead version of this meme, it gives me a chuckle everytime
The flag has autism 11 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
You can thank the brits for the us saying soccer
Google it, it's true. You can't make this shit up lol 17 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Look at this dude posting as the great lord cthulhu. As if a mighty one such as he would use english characters!
Games are about having fun, let people enjoy things 18 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Personally i don't like games like stardew and such just because I like to be competitive. My prominent game for the past 2 years is Rocket League. No shooting just rocket car soccer. God forbid people enjoy what they want to enjoy.
What a feeling 3 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Oh boy... FMA is quite the anime to say the least
Snow Leopard Cub Scares Mom and Himself 4 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Iirc big cats will fake being startled by their youngins in order to bulster the youngsters' confidence
Hey if the shoe fits 6 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
"Why are you reporting this"
I'm in this picture and i don't want to be
Get yourself tyrone 6 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Oh boy this is fun
I am but a inferior human being in mind trying to make memes, please don´T @ me 3 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Can't @ you if you aren't logged in.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
Most confused man in America 3 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
I'd say of all people he's perfectly aware of what he's doing...
Important question almost answered 7 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
You eat dry cereal??
Important question almost answered 7 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Did that actually happen? 4 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
"Why my dolphin not working lol"
Brilliant ambigram mechanism 2 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
If you don't look at the sed the clo looks like a dick and balls
Italy left the chat 1 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
1 I don't believe this. And 2 How dare you.
me irl 25 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
After reading that i feel that that explains much of what our parents, atleast here in the us, felt. My father tried so desperately to live the american dream. He bought several houses and vehicles and always had to sell them or they were reposessed. He's in his mid 40's and will be moving back in with my grandparents, as he doesn't have any money whatsoever, once my brother and i find an apartment in the city so he, my brother, can go to school. I strive to never end up in that situation so long as I can help it.
me irl 25 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
I did/do my best. Wallowing in self hatred and pity is not how i want to spend my 1 life that I have on this earth. You got 1 shot do the best you can while you can. Exceed expectations and better yourselves anyway you can.
Can't I just say that I'm both? 8 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
People who only comment = Me
me irl 25 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
I heard this advice not too long ago and it helped me through some shit, granted i was never suicidal just straight up hated myself and my life/situation. I honestly think discipline helped me through so much of my childhood and now adulthood. My father and former stepfather were/are alcholics. My mother and step father chain smoked cigarettes. All of my friends, the rejects and dregs of society, did drugs and alcohol all through school but i made it a point to never do any of those things. I was literally surrounded by it everyday but i forced myself, trust me it wasn't always easy, to be better than that. I'm thankful to myself for getting through those times. Now I'm not saying that discipline is the only answer and it may not be your answer but that's for you to discover as it's your life to lead.
English writer Karla Marie Sweet confused why no POC starred in Cernobyl ?! 5 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
I'm pretty sure the one of the hunters was azerbaijani in the 3rd/4th episodes