

Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history
Dakota Report User
Well... Murrica 16 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
@smitty The base 10 numbering system has origins in India rather than Arabs. Arabian peoples adopted and expanded upon it and later so did europeans.
Not as expensive as you think 72 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
I despise posts like this. They try to perpetrate a single mindset/thought process on people who may have differing opinions on why they don't support single payer systems. Some people don't support the idea of giving the federal government even more say over their private lives. Some people don't believe a raise in taxes are necessary to cover healthcare when they themselves already have coverage. Europeans, except maybe the Finns, just don't understand the great lenghts people go to be individualistic in the states. The entire cultural identity of the United States is based around individualism. Don't @ me with hate. Debate.
Well... Murrica 16 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
I bet if you asked a portion of the arabic speaking population in a predominently arabic speaking region if they wanted to use a hindu numbering system then they'd have the same no answer.
· Edited 4 years ago
Deer lost it's back hooves and was walking around on bone 18 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
That's metal af
Aborted question 9 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
"Are you a citizen of the United States?" Which in and of itself isn't a controversial question if only used to index the number of people living in the U.S.. The controversial thing about it is that the current administration will likely use that census data to further I.C.E operations. This would mean that a large number of people who answer no could potentially be deported. Now the otherside of that is that many of these people who aren't here legally wont fill out the census therefore the number of peoples living within states/regions wont be accurately portrayed.
Any good books? 26 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
"The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers; Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000."
Good book of you wanna understand why and how europe became what it is today. Granted the segments after the 1980's are speculative at best considering the book was published around that time but otherwise it's a good read.
Us white people after finding out yet another white character has been blackwashed 10 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Why are guests always the bearers of bad news?
Us white people after finding out yet another white character has been blackwashed 10 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
I really don't care that ariel will be black, i wasn't going to watch the movie to begin with, but if Mulan doesn't have Mushu and is purely an action girl power movie imma fucking flip my shit. Girl power all day long but if theres no comedy or music and is 100% serious 100% of the time imma have some real issues.
Click on the whole pic but it's sooo true 3 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Battlefield 1
Click on the whole pic but it's sooo true 3 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Iirc the russian soldier wouldn't be fighting "for the people", unless some of the russian civil war is in the game, as the soviet revolution and takeover happened much later in the war and the soviets backing by the peasant population stems from the anti-war rhetoric they propagandised.
Traitor 22 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Im pretty sure it wasn't just a Roman thing. Animal fights have always been part of the iberian celtic religions. Im all for ending the unnecessary suffering of animals but it goes beyond that of the roman era.
9 · Edited 4 years ago
Jealous Irreverent Sparkly Testicle 4 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
More often then not if you look up the randomly generated title f u n n y j u n k .com comes up with the exact post. The bots just steal the titles from the othed sites.
Decriminalize 8 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Ah the bleeding heart argument... neat.
Hateful clumsy Trump 5 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
If he would stick to astrophysics and stop commenting on social things he'd be much better off
Overrated fancy grotesque Mandrill 8 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
https://fu-n n yj unk .com/Overrated+fancy+grotesque+mandrill/pznYMcm/
Remove spaces and dash. This is about the violent protests in hong kong and how the government is behind it.
· Edited 4 years ago
Overrated fancy grotesque Mandrill 8 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
God damnit fs. The bots steal memes directly from other sites but i cant fucking link the other site so people get the context that they're missing from posts. W t f.
America first 6 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Uh? Wasn't the whole point of civil war that the governments/militaries shouldn't be incharge and aren't inherently good?
Tony stark was good, yes but not always. His redemption is what made him good.
I hope this is satire i really do.
The flag has autism 11 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Eh... football refered to both rugby and soccer at one point. The only reason it was called football is because it was played on foot with a ball rather than on horse with a ball
Our future 8 comments
metalman · 4 years ago 3
Our future 8 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
I like the skinhead version of this meme, it gives me a chuckle everytime
The flag has autism 11 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
You can thank the brits for the us saying soccer
Google it, it's true. You can't make this shit up lol 17 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Look at this dude posting as the great lord cthulhu. As if a mighty one such as he would use english characters!
Games are about having fun, let people enjoy things 18 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Personally i don't like games like stardew and such just because I like to be competitive. My prominent game for the past 2 years is Rocket League. No shooting just rocket car soccer. God forbid people enjoy what they want to enjoy.
What a feeling 3 comments
metalman · 4 years ago
Oh boy... FMA is quite the anime to say the least