

Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history
Dakota Report User
We own 4 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
I have little patience for commies here in the states. Especially those of middle or upper class upbringing. They often times claim to be for the worker but have never once worked or done anything that would delegate themselves as being workers and try to tell working class people how they should think and feel. Communism is a pipe dream and not even a good one at that.
#Oldmeme29 3 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
At first I was concerned this was a bot going way back in time for memes until i read the title lol
When people look at me 1 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
I've got shit lungs to begin with but growing up in households with a myriad of animals and growing up surrounded by secondhand smoke never helped.
It's a fair question 35 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
I really feel like im living in two entirely different countries because I agree for the most part with the problems people have with and in this country but this consant bitter state we're in is honestly atrocious
This doesn’t seem right 3 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
Damn you got a good point
Anon spills based truth pills all around 2 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
Wtf is anon even talking about?
This doesn’t seem right 3 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
Imagine if they were actually that big... that would rip someone in half
Anon finally understands why George Lucas sold Star Wars to white slavers 4 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
4chan never ceases to amaze me
Bezos is a Bozo 5 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
That's a cutting torch with a cutting tip. 0/10 realism for me dawg
Cardboard kids armor 9 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
One of these days they'll grow into their metal shell but for now the younglings must dawn the cardboard
Lays Mystery Meat Chips [Ham flavoured, probably] 19 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
The best foreign chips I had were in Switzerland, the sour cream and onion weren't too far off from the ones here in the states. The worst ones were the Italian red meat sauce flavoured chips in China. They tasted nothing like what it claimed to be and i have no idea what to compare it to tbh
· Edited 3 years ago
Introverts trolley dilemma 3 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
I mean nothinf says i have to untie them so i could just stop the trolley and run tf away
Lays Mystery Meat Chips [Ham flavoured, probably] 19 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
I need to try all these different kinds of chips lmao this is honestly blowing my mind how different they all are
Lays Mystery Meat Chips [Ham flavoured, probably] 19 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
As a chip?
Lays Mystery Meat Chips [Ham flavoured, probably] 19 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
Why would you want ham flavored chips? I knew there were some odd chips in China but ham is definetly up there as an odd flavor in the grand scheme of things
Hungry absent present Emu 6 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
I love cats so ye
What you guys think 5 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
*Bites through lithium ion battery causing fire*
Ah shit, I didn't know it'd be spicy...
Tik Tok doesn't need to mine my data to find my opinions on the chinese government.. 13 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
Sadly we here in the US seem to be on our way out. We've squandered nearly all of our advantages on the world stage other than sheer military strength. It's quite sad really.
Tik Tok doesn't need to mine my data to find my opinions on the chinese government.. 13 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
I give it 10 years before the CCP runs the world
Goodnight Good Night 6 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
Damn bruh y u gotta out me like that lol
I only want to break you 6 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
Me to this very day playing pokemon green on my gameboy advanced
I'm not crying, it's raining! :,( 1 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
Same kitty, same
Power can be synonymous with inequality 22 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
Many moderates' mouths.
Another thing would be the ineptitude of our current political climate. Neither party, as a whole, wants change in the realm of college tuition. It's a minority faction within the current Democrat party that is lobbying for this type of change.
One last thing would be the colleges themselves. The last thing colleges want is less money. So they are lobbyinf their collective asses of to both parties to make sure nothing changes. If somehow and someway meangiful change is to happen it would honestly be for the federal government to pull funding from colleges who currently hold an excess number of adminstration/advisory positions. Positions that don't contribute to the betterment of the teaching. I know that that's an arbitrary statement but maybe someone smarter than me can provide a better metric for judging the necessity of an administrators postion vs cost of their continued employment.
Power can be synonymous with inequality 22 comments
metalman · 3 years ago
Yeah nah, (imma about to get controversial) the reason we don't have "free education" is because the nation literally can't afford it due to our extensive miltary budget, current social programs, and ineptitude of the legislature to make any meaningful change in either direction.
On the military it simply comes down to the fact that we're quite literally the police of the world. We protect every nations trade oversea traderoutes with little to no direct monetary gain. We fight extremists on foreign soil solely to keep the extremists out of our country. On top of that the industrial complex surrounding the military provides too many jobs to americans to just pull the plug on.
On social programs things like flagrant and rampant abuse of EBT/Subsidies for low income people being used by those who don't need it poses a drain on our system. On top of that the most recent example for socialization of an industry (obamacare) being an outright disaster has left a severe distaste in
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