Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history
They better 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Are there still people who use kik today??
To spank the monkey 8 comments
· 3 years ago
That sounds more menacing. That may be because of coca cola tho that I don't picture the polar bears as as dangerous as the tiger one
Edited 3 years ago
To spank the monkey 8 comments
· 3 years ago
If it weren't for this comment I wouldn't have made the etymological comparison between "wurmen" and "vermin".
What would you do if you didn't have to worry about income? 12 comments
· 3 years ago
I would do very similar to what I do now. I would just try to be more advanced with what I do woodworking and welding wise
Happy "Insurrection" Day 8 comments
· 3 years ago
@cakelover I went into this with Famousone a few months back. Basically no one was charged with Insurrection due to the similar punishments and ease with which weapons and trespassing charges could be stuck to the perpetrators.
Bianca Parssage Dancing on wine bottles 13 comments
Scene from a recently declassified propaganda film that would have been released after a 10 comments
· 3 years ago
This from an ARG series. Look up local 58 on YouTube. The channel Nexpo has an excellent video explaining the story.
Don't look up "What happened to a saint's body after death" like me 3 comments
· 3 years ago
This tended to be a catholic thing in medieval Europe. In Catholicism miracles can be attributed to holy figures (dead or alive) so upon death people would steal body parts of the deceased holy figure in hopes of inciting miracles. At one time the church would even sell body parts of venerated figures.
f*cking racists won't even let a guy peacefully skateboard these days 7 comments
· 3 years ago
Funny how often bravery and stupidity can run hand in hand.
FAAFO: Fuck Around And Find Out
FAAFO: Fuck Around And Find Out
I agree 18 comments
· 3 years ago
It could hypothetically go:
"Hey you want an orange?" *proceeds to peel orange*
"No thanks I don't want an orange."
"Come on man I already started peeling it. If you don't take it it's gonna go bad. I just wanted to share my orange with ya."
"Fine I'll take the orange."
"Awesome, hey by the way can you spot me some cash? I gave you my last orange so you think you could help me out?"
"Hey you want an orange?" *proceeds to peel orange*
"No thanks I don't want an orange."
"Come on man I already started peeling it. If you don't take it it's gonna go bad. I just wanted to share my orange with ya."
"Fine I'll take the orange."
"Awesome, hey by the way can you spot me some cash? I gave you my last orange so you think you could help me out?"
I agree 18 comments
· 3 years ago
I would wager in most places this would occur would be "larger cities" here in the US. In those cities you already have homeless or otherwise destitute people doing whatever they can to make a living. Having been to time square in NYC the effort people put into trying to strong arm money out of you is nuts. I had a man attempt to slip a cd into my coworkers pocket and refuse to take it back to guilt him into paying for it. I imagine it could be similar to that of someone handing you a rose then asking for payment or someone "cleaning your windshield" with water and towels at a stop light then asking for money.
McBased 11 comments
· 3 years ago
Imagine if you will a black woman boards a plane. She goes to sit down. And all she sees is a burger King crown above the seat line. Now imagine the jaws theme begins slowly ramping up. As the music gets more intense the racist man strikes like in jaws.
McBased 11 comments
· 3 years ago
It's a reference for the tendency in horror films involving sharks for the sharks fin to crest the water line. It makes things more tense. If it weren't for them doing that you'd never know they were there. Basically it's saying that that's the only warning you get that this guy is present before something racist is said.
I agree 18 comments
· 3 years ago
One thing I would add to your list is the potential of nefarious people hoarding the fruit for monetary gain. It would be hard to police people from mass picking the fruit to sell later at a farmers market or just right off the corner.
McBased 11 comments
· 3 years ago
This is from a video posted around of a middle aged white man sitting in the seat of an airplane during the boarding process. The man wearing a Burger King crown is shown with his face mask pulled below his mouth whilst he yells racial epithets at a woman. The most famous of his quotes is "Kick that N****r bitch off the plane." Which got memed on several right leaning meme sites. I don't know if he faced any repercussions. I just know what this is referencing.
p*rnography and prostitution laws are weird 19 comments
· 3 years ago
In the US if you pursue a prostitute you get hit with solicitation charges so you really can't buy sex legally.
I am done with man. 12 comments
· 3 years ago
The attempt was to discredit radio as a reliable source so that people would return to printed media. As history went along radio surpassed printed media as televised surpassed radio and as internet will surpass televised. The dying media tries its best to discredit the new form of media.
I am done with man. 12 comments
· 3 years ago
Unfortunately modern historians believe the hysteria was made up. As far as I can tell from my looking into it, which is admittedly surface level, much of the hysteria was played up printed publications.
The term Yellow Journalism arises from roughly 40 years prior to the 1938 broadcast. Yellow journalism is similar to our fake news movement of today. Sensationalism is nothing new in our modern era.
With that being said new and old media often times have a war between them in the interim between one reigning Supreme. This war was between radio and printed publications. The people of the depression era came to largely accept what was being said on the radio as truthful. Whereas printed media had been known for year to be sensationalist. Printed outlets attempted a character assassination on radio because of how the story was framed. The story was framed as a news bulletin interspiced with interviews and speeches from, an impersonator, the president.
The term Yellow Journalism arises from roughly 40 years prior to the 1938 broadcast. Yellow journalism is similar to our fake news movement of today. Sensationalism is nothing new in our modern era.
With that being said new and old media often times have a war between them in the interim between one reigning Supreme. This war was between radio and printed publications. The people of the depression era came to largely accept what was being said on the radio as truthful. Whereas printed media had been known for year to be sensationalist. Printed outlets attempted a character assassination on radio because of how the story was framed. The story was framed as a news bulletin interspiced with interviews and speeches from, an impersonator, the president.
I am done with man. 12 comments
I am done with man. 12 comments
· 3 years ago
The issue is over semantics, as so many an internet argument are. What NYTB should have said was popularized rather than invented. War of the world's amongst the several other science fiction books Wells wrote brought about the genre in popular culture like no one else had before. Mary Shelley largely invented the novel version of science fiction with Frankenstein but throughout history the "genre" existed. In ancient times amongst a, albeit very small, number of Greek authors who played with the ideas of interplanetary warfare and things of the like texts existed. In today's views these texts would be more fantastical than scientific but with the technological development of the age these would very much be in the genre of science fiction.
I'm not a cuck, but I play one on tv 22 comments
· 3 years ago
It wouldn't surprise me if the prosecution isn't throwing the trial. Nothing I've heard from him holds any weight as far as I can tell.
In case anyone's confused 4 comments
· 3 years ago
Non-fungible token. As i understand it, it's basically a crypto currency that there's only one of. This currency is often represented by an image of some kind so it's often seen as a meme thing.
Edited 3 years ago
If they were fraternal Twins and one was a male, I’d assume the male would be the heir, 7 comments
· 3 years ago
Okay, I came back to fs roughly an hour ago and saw this comment and did some research. My error comes from my using of the word "is" rather than referring to historic presedence by using "were" in it's place. If I would have done so it would have better portrayed what I had meant.
In this day and age you're correct in your assertion that the majority of monarchical states today aren't following male preference anymore.
The numbers are as follows:
24 nations/states have succession laws that gender don't pertain to. (16 of these being under the UK's monarchy)
18 nations/states still obtain laws that either only allow male succession or strongly favor male succession.
(You mentioned Spain as the only European country but Lichtenstein also is male succession dominated.)
In conclusion you are correct as I fucked up my wording.
In this day and age you're correct in your assertion that the majority of monarchical states today aren't following male preference anymore.
The numbers are as follows:
24 nations/states have succession laws that gender don't pertain to. (16 of these being under the UK's monarchy)
18 nations/states still obtain laws that either only allow male succession or strongly favor male succession.
(You mentioned Spain as the only European country but Lichtenstein also is male succession dominated.)
In conclusion you are correct as I fucked up my wording.