

— Modernghost Report User
What could go wrong? 10 comments
modernghost · 7 years ago
Mr. Mosby
And Now I'm Sad 13 comments
modernghost · 8 years ago
What happened? Where was this? Is there a link to a story or something?
I wonder whenever I watch tv 28 comments
modernghost · 8 years ago
Not in my house. Shoes off at the door or you ain't coming in. Every home I go to always insists on no shoes inside
Legendary 17 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
It the movie Wonder Woman. Fucking amazing movie.
Every Avengers movie 7 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
Yeah. Fair enough.
Every Avengers movie 7 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
At least the Avengers destroyed only a couple blocks. Other superheroes destroy the entries city. Or in some cases, two. *cough*Superman*cough*
How and why? 13 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
If I remember correctly from my internet travels, a ring is added every year. Over time, this happens.
Christopher Knight, after 27 years of isolation from humans 7 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
Theft. While living in the woods he often stole food and such from homes in the area. But it appears he served less than a year in prison since, technically, he didn't hurt anyone. As far as I can tell with my research.
Look at that detail in her hair 18 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
One word: Sparkles! Her dress got sparkly and her hair tamer.
Look at that detail in her hair 18 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
I like the movie! I really do, just I thought they could have done so much more with it.
Look at that detail in her hair 18 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
It's pretty good. Not as strong as some of the other movies that have come out, but decent. I just don't think it lived up to the hype around it.
Two men find out the pain of giving birth in this test 15 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
And just remember! Women can't move around like they did when giving birth.
15 · Edited 9 years ago
Some Dogs Don't Really Care 2 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
And this dog's ambition was to eat a stupid fortune.
Hell Yeah! 5 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
I would be in such great shape running up those to go down the slide
Karma 5 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
Karma 5 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
What comic is this? I keep seeing it.
Mom look I'm with iron man! So cute :') 7 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
RDJ's face is like, "That's right. I'm Iron Man."
Wasn't expecting that one 14 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
Yeah, if you don't like my pets that sucks for you.
They have teeth, people 17 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
As one who actually raises geese, I say that grabbing them by the neck and giving them a quick shake is all that's needed. Sure they'll still hiss and charge but then you turn around to them and those fuckers back off.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
Art has surely changed 18 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
He pulled his country out of the worst depression, gave them hope, purpose and an identity. I will never say that he was a good man, but he was a very smart man who knew how and when to act.
Besides, it was partly our fault that he rose to power anyway.
Unexpected 7 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
Salves? What does ointment have to do with this joke?
Don't judge me if you don't know me 35 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
Um... I'm not a cow person so correct me if I'm wrong, but i don't think that's a beef cow.
E.T Phone home 3 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
Mainly cause of that E.T bit.
R.I.P Robin Williams 6 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
When I first saw the things about his passing on FS I didn't believe it. And now... Well now I'm crying. Thanks guys.
Clean the ocean of plastic 11 comments
modernghost · 9 years ago
And I'm sitting on a couch scrolling through FS....