

Mojockeym Report User
Yet another victim 5 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
I live there! This happens all the time.
· Edited 7 years ago
Vegan 2 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
We see someone on TV hunting.
My 7yr old daughter: I wish people would stop hurting and killing animals.
Her dad: You eat animals don't you.
Daughter:*looks down sad* Ya, but they're so tasty. I can't help it.
Oh... Why is the internet like this? 18 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
No. I don't​ like lobster. Now if he was a chicken...
7 · Edited 7 years ago
Who eats like this. That pie had a family 56 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
Thanks. I turned my head 90°. Good to know I won't be a social pariah if I eat a taco in public.
Lab safety caution 8 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
My husband laughed his head off at this.
Who eats like this. That pie had a family 56 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
What exactly is the socially acceptable way to eat a taco? I had to go get one because I wasn't sure how I ate it. I apparently hold it up right and turn my head sideways to take a bite. I guess I never paid attention to how anyone else does it.
I had to explain this concept to a young co-worker recently. I feel old. 25 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
I read this book when I was in high school and it became one of my favorites. I think I might reread it now.
Who eats like this. That pie had a family 56 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
When my son eats pizza, he holds it flat against his face and just kind of sucks all of the toppings off and then eats the crust layer by layer. He doesn't bother with edges.
Smashing sugar produces sparks 9 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
I was telling my husband about the ability of these mints to do this a few weeks ago. He had never heard of it and I thought I might have dreamt it.
Seeking employment? 1 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
Our Taco Bell has this same saying posted on there message board except it says "Let's taco about it". It drives me insane that it says about and not 'bout. I have to bring it up every time we drive by.
The Hype Is Real 12 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
The Hype Is Real 12 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
I didn't know they were making a movie!
Better be alone and true than be with fakeass people 13 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
I just read that there is going to be a sequel called "Glass". It's a sequel to both Split and Unbreakable. Crazy.
Our Local Truck-Eating Bridge 13 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
Very cool.
Our Local Truck-Eating Bridge 13 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
We tend to lean toward stupid.
Our Local Truck-Eating Bridge 13 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
I have heard of a few different ones. This one is a running joke around town. Huffington Post did a story on it last year.
Our Local Truck-Eating Bridge 13 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
There is a flashing one on the bridge. You can see it in the lower left picture. The height is 11'4". There is also one before you get to the bridge.
Our Local Truck-Eating Bridge 13 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
Nope. Enid, OK.
Our Local Truck-Eating Bridge 13 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
It gets hit so often that it has it's own Facebook page.
Artificial wombs 26 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
I love this! I had a daughter who passed away due to complications from being premature and I have a son with serious medical issues from being premature. This will help so many families. I am so excited!
Root beer 12 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
I only like Barq's root beer. The others are too sweet or something.
Hot wheels or a barbie toy? 24 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
I worked at McDonald's for 14yrs and we had separate toys most of the time. One year we were told that we couldn't ask boy or girl toy anymore. They said someone could be offended. No one complied and not one person complained. Sometimes a girl wanted the car so they would just say boy toy. No one made a big deal out of it.
Super window cleaners 2 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
They did this when my son was in ICU. It scared the bejesus out of me.
Skunk in a onesie 20 comments
mojockeym · 7 years ago
When I was younger, my neighbor found a dead mother skunk. She had babies and my neighbor saved the babies and kept them as pets. They can't spray when they are young so he had them descented when they were older. They were a lot of fun and made great pets.