World's largest doodle 3 comments
moondark87 · 6 years ago
Now we know where to find him. Hahaha
Underwater selfie 4 comments
moondark87 · 6 years ago
Looks like he got his good side
Truth 11 comments
moondark87 · 6 years ago
Christian is an oxymoron by itself.
This gave me the feels 6 comments
moondark87 · 6 years ago
Feels right to the Heart? Because that didn't work out so well for Steve
Good old days when Apple laptops looked like children toys 4 comments
moondark87 · 6 years ago
Still have one of these. Gave it to my kid to play with. haha
d*ck holder 9 comments
moondark87 · 6 years ago
If you don't want to get attacked for you personal beliefs stop posting and trying to push them on people on social media.
A firemen in the Netherlands 7 comments
moondark87 · 6 years ago
Talk about freezing under pressure.
Swing batter swing 4 comments
moondark87 · 6 years ago
These are Mennonites, the Amish would have never been caught dead playing baseball. Much less let you take a picture.
Baby car 5 comments
moondark87 · 6 years ago
Uh...isn't this kind of ass backward? The 90 Coupe came before the larger Coupe
The facade 7 comments
moondark87 · 6 years ago
What's eating Gilbert Grape? Shit now I feel Old AF!
· Edited 6 years ago
Special shoes for killing 4 comments
moondark87 · 6 years ago
Its for all those "wicked witch of the west" moments.
I support that 6 comments
moondark87 · 6 years ago
More proof that swedes are ninnies. Real men would have just worn fuckin shorts with a huge IDGAF to their boss. What are they going to do? Fire the whole team of men?!
Chinese military 10 comments
moondark87 · 6 years ago
"Ah fuck.....Chin smiled."
With halloween getting closer 2 comments
moondark87 · 8 years ago
For the love of all thats unholy. Frankenstein was the Dr's/Mad Scientist's name.
Pride!! 5 comments
moondark87 · 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure he's trying to eat the flag. It probably looks like neopolitan candy to him
They cost much less than hiring a person at any wage 11 comments
moondark87 · 8 years ago
If the order machine is just an order machine then who cooks the food? If the order machine could cook as well you would need a PERSON to stock and maintenance it. If you had a machine that stocked and maintenanced it you would need a person to upkeep that machine. It goes on and on like that. No Matter how smart machines become they will NEVER be Skynet. Nice try though.
Not hating on Marvel, but people nowadays 13 comments
moondark87 · 8 years ago
I don't get why People were surprised nor pissed about Batman v Superman.
Thats my boy 7 comments
moondark87 · 8 years ago
I would be much more proud of my son if he shot me through the heart. #trueaim #deadshot #deadon
True 5 comments
moondark87 · 8 years ago
Obviously you still live with your siblings. When you all move out it slightly changes to Call me when there's a body to hide. Otherwise don't bother calling. haha
I feel sorry for her 3 comments
moondark87 · 8 years ago
That's one dick way to heel. Hahaha
Or maybe I'd just disappear for the next millennium or so 6 comments
moondark87 · 8 years ago
" I have no memory of this place."
Good question 14 comments
moondark87 · 8 years ago
Uh. It's obvious that he's giving himself a hand.
Beautiful Korra cosplay 12 comments
moondark87 · 9 years ago
That girl looks kind of like Kristin Kreuk
Disney lies 8 comments
moondark87 · 9 years ago
As much as I fucking hate Frozen and anything to do with "Let it Go" This is one of the more accurate Disney films. "You can't marry someone you just met"
I don't get Americans 20 comments
moondark87 · 9 years ago
Dime is pretty self explanatory. Dime comes from the old french word disme meaning tenth part. 1/10 of 100 is 10. Next problem. hahaha