Mans going places. 1 comments
moondark87 · 2 years ago
Unless you wanna live in a van down by the river!
What a Strange Quote 6 comments
moondark87 · 2 years ago
That was Hunger Trek. Duh
You're welcome 5 comments
moondark87 · 2 years ago
????‍????‍????‍use cream/you scream
You're welcome 5 comments
moondark87 · 2 years ago
Hear you* scream
Acrobatic archer taking aim at the 2018 World Nomad Games in Kyrgyzstan 4 comments
moondark87 · 3 years ago
Sad thing is she can shoot and aim a bow better with her toes balanced on some crutches than some people with a scope????????????????????‍
FeelSubstance 4 comments
moondark87 · 3 years ago
Spoiler alert: that father is dead now
Found this gem on twitter 2 comments
moondark87 · 3 years ago
I laughed waaay too hard at that
My baby girl got her portrait back today. Needless to say she’s happy 1 comments
moondark87 · 3 years ago
They have captured the essence if the good girl doggo. She is pleased with your offering. Just once I want a thriller movie to have a dog picture come to life and it does like kind helpful things. Everyone wakes up in the morning to find the newspaper and beer all set out for them. Slippers by their beds and whatnot. Instead of people getting murdered in their sleep.
Illustrated guarded Seahorse 2 comments
moondark87 · 3 years ago
Haha. U.S. is one of the few, if not only countries to refrigerate butter. So superfluous
Double purpose! 13 comments
moondark87 · 3 years ago
Shit'll get your ass high!
I’m ready 2 comments
moondark87 · 3 years ago
Did you think Inigo Montoya is driving uber now?
Check back in three days or so 6 comments
moondark87 · 3 years ago
I mean they weren't wrong.
T5 4 comments
moondark87 · 3 years ago
Your mother was a snowblower
Donald trump garbage bin 2 comments
moondark87 · 3 years ago
You didnt have to put garbage bin at the end
Big sad 3 comments
moondark87 · 3 years ago
"Your words cut deeper than I knife"
I'll kill both 3 comments
moondark87 · 3 years ago
Otterly amazing
Tradition 7 comments
moondark87 · 3 years ago
I laughed entirely too hard at this picture.
That's in poor taste, Mr. Kolb 2 comments
moondark87 · 4 years ago
Thats not irony thats hypocrisy. CMON keep up
When do cows get their own week? 7 comments
moondark87 · 4 years ago
And this is how I want FaceBook vegans to die.
Until today 5 comments
moondark87 · 4 years ago
"There are known unknowns and unknown unknowns. It's an unknown unknown"
By the power of sheer hate alone 4 comments
moondark87 · 4 years ago
By the power of hatesquawk!
Death is the greatest adventure 5 comments
moondark87 · 4 years ago
Death and taxes are the only certainties in life.
The good book 3 comments
moondark87 · 4 years ago
This is the basis for all organized religions
Silver linings and whatnot. 3 comments
moondark87 · 4 years ago
Just find yourself a necromancer guys 9 comments
moondark87 · 4 years ago
Now that I know what I'm without