

— Mrdad01 Report User
ADHD, PTSD, Bipolar and Depression 14 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
So mine would be a mix of the ptsd and depression then?
Sad reacts 13 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
I had a dog when I was a kid, she never ran away until the day she died of old age, she disappeared and we found her an hour later laying beside the stream we would walk to every day she wanted to go there one more time and passed away at her favorite spot but didn't want me there with her. I buried her beside that stream because I knew that would make her happy.
13 · Edited 6 years ago
A great story 5 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
Certain ants can also kill the mouths too so it choosing not to close could've been a survival instinct.
11.) Not being an asshole 12 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
And some flop around like a tasered fish out of water, I'd be happy if some of my staff didn't stand around all shift while their coworker busts ass for 8 hours.
A new, unwanted feature 7 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
Yeah I'd rather have a car in my driveway the second I need it than wait for one to drive up, plus I like having my own music and other settings pre-programed.
A party in the toilet 14 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
Wouldn't a simple motion activated battery light work for that, its what I use
Perfection 5 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
Yeah, well enough of this shit now.
Don't let this discourage you 20 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
Yeah really, I waited until I was 24 to have a kid, but then again my life experiences at 24 were well equal to the average 30-40 year old.
The Simpsons if they weren’t terrifying yellow monsters 9 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
If anyone in my family has suspect paternity its me, my father and myself are polar opposites and have never gotten along. But my sister and myself are both his kids no questions we share some distinctive family traits such as a birthmark on our right ear (its odd but all three of us have it, even my kid does)
Le rawr cat 5 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
What the hell... I've seen toddlers draw better than that!
The Simpsons if they weren’t terrifying yellow monsters 9 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
My hair is dark brown and my older sister is dark blonde our parents were both dark haired so it's very possible for one sibling to be light haired and one dark without the 'milkman' factor.
That makes 2 of us 2 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
Its not, my kid was talking to a stuffed toy giraffe at two am teaching it the finer points of planting a corn field. we live on a farm although I don't currently have the funds to have it functional much beyond a bunch of chickens.
Appreciate your teachers 42 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
If they call me stupid because they sit me in the back of the room when they know full well I only have 47% hearing and I don't do well in their 'I was taught to teach in great Britain' English class you bet I hated her and had zero respect for her. Although nobody really did well in her class, except for one boy and there were some rumors about that, the kid carried an A grade two years in a row when everyone else struggled to make a low C. Shortly after that grading information sparked an investigation said teacher was quietly reassigned to a non teaching role.
Don't let this discourage you 20 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
My ex tried this with me however she underestimated how easy it was for me to prove her an unfit mother and get full custody (it wasn't hard to do actually, she spent the entire custody hearing cussing me out and accusing me of being part of a conspiracy against her she actually pissed the judge off to the point that she told my ex to shut up! plus I had more than a few witnesses to her crazy spells)
Waiting for their next victim 13 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
Its possible, I have a barn cat with a heart on her nose.
Greedy people 21 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
This is why I changed from having a bank to having a prepaid debit card, unless I use a non network atm or earn too much money I don't see any fees. The bank I was using was charging me $9 a month for 'account maintenance' because I couldn't keep the minimum of $100 in my account, at this point my kid was still in diapers and I was making minimum wage so trying to keep that much in my account and provide for my kid solo was nearly impossible!
1 · Edited 6 years ago
ATMs like these are very rare to find. 3 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
The one I use let's you withdraw as low as a dollar.
This picture on the wall changes when you look at it through a mirror 5 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
These are actually easy to make.
Getting a pair for my husband 7 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
Finally! where is that buy now button?
Valhalla 30 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
Damn! Yes I'm crying ok! I don't have any onions at the moment.
‘We will all suffer’ 5 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
My store has had to have the sewer line and toilets pulled up several times because people flushed adult/baby diapers, underwear, entire rolls or toilet paper, you name it down the commodes. We actually had to shut down for a week last summer while they sorted out the drainage system. I'd almost rather have people go farm animal and shit on the floor/walls than have to deal with a sewer overhaul and the resulting shit storm from upper management.
Good advice 10 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
Actually, find a woman that can use their brain properly.
"oh look, an airstrike. Better find some kids and take photos of them." 17 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
I think a lot of those photos are staged, I know if I was in that position (the camera person) I'd be protecting the kids or getting them to safety but I think that's because I'm parent so I'm naturally protective of kids.
Keychain mini-gun that shoots 10 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
Oh good now depressed ants everywhere can finally commit suicide.
What you will do? 2 comments
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
Yeah got a better piece of technology then.