

Mrdad01 Report User
Witty title 2 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
I miss using this. 9 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
I've used both, but only because my parents had a stereo system that had record, cassette and 8-track built-in, I was born in the mid 80's. So my first personal computer was msdos. Although my elementary school had early apple computers (a-II ircc)
I miss using this. 9 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
I predate media players, children.
Cursed Thought of the Day #1 9 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
Thanks, this is almost as bad as the time I stepped on a column of staples.
Lil Sidda 2 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
I'm fine with black and white after dark, all of my cameras are full color during the day, and one can nicely see almost half a mile on a clear day and several hundred feet at night.
Called it 4 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
Peta sued a small rescue/zoo in my state recently and basically stole three big cats because a fourth died of natural causes this is a place run/owned by one guy and some volunteers. Peta is an anagram for shit! They should be really ethical and put themselves down!
I trust you fellas 31 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
I'm always around, just not much to say.
I trust you fellas 31 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
*Pours ketchup on them* there ya go enjoy!
Toxic Female Gaze-lle Gambit 16 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
That being said, I encourage ANYONE being abused to seek help, tell the truth about it. If you think someone isn't taking you seriously talk to someone else. Don't suffer in silence and don't suffer alone because you're not alone!
Toxic Female Gaze-lle Gambit 16 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
I very much prefer non violence myself I rather avoid conflict as much as possible, sometimes it's unavoidable like in the case of the final dust-up between my ex and myself, she pursued me after I left the house and continued to attack. I kept on the defensive take several wounds but not injuring her, I did use a wrist pressure point to disarm her of one knife (not knowing she had two) refusing to speak about such things does exactly zero good for anyone, if me being open about my experiences convinces one person to speak up and get help against an abusive person what I lived through is not in vain! I stepped up to voice for not only myself but a small child and an infant that were also being victimized by an unstable 'mother' I recently spent several months in weekly trauma therapy sessions to finally come to terms with my damage and help overcome it, while I still have regular anxiety attacks and ptsd, I can cope better with the problems now.
Toxic Female Gaze-lle Gambit 16 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
I'm a male domestic violence survivor, gender doesn't matter with violence, my ex used two knives on me not to mention the numerous other times she pinned me to a wall, blocked me into a bedroom or bathroom and berated me for hours, threw stuff at me. Fuck anyone with a cactus that says men can't be victims! And frankly she needs to go down twice as hard as Johnny did!
Bind blown 4 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
It is, after they go off.
I dont want to trigger anything through this. Just wanted to feel at ease with myself. 28 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
Suicide attempts count? If so 8 years old
Two weeks to go 2 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
Would work better if they were decked out 'back to the future' style. Actually it would be hilarious that way.
I am this old 3 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
Earthsiege 2 was a great game.
One time I saw my sister leaving for a party from the main door of my house. Found 5 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
Bots posting to websites has always creeped me out.
People in the UK being quizzed on price of healthcare in the US 12 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
Truthfully, I should be on disability, but I did the math and can get more money per month even part time than on disability, plus it was going to get fought in court until hell froze over and my family couldn't afford it. so I just push through my issues and work full time while trying to get my dad in to a surgeon for his hernias (which involves the always great, never shitty veterans administration) If not for my kid and lacking life insurance of any substantial amount I'd let my medical issues end me to help my family out.
People in the UK being quizzed on price of healthcare in the US 12 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
In my state I make too much to qualify for any help, despite being a single dad, and getting no help at all via child support (she doesn't pay at all) yet I see people all the time that don't work at all that get handed 1000's of dollars a month in help while I struggle to support my kid and my elderly father.
Is it worth it? 12 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
I have an air fryer oven with a rotisserie built-in, I don't regret the lost counter space, its smaller than my microwave and is so much better even if it takes a little longer.
Tag the homie Zont 10 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
That's an acid trip, most furries are just low grade nightmares.
Can somebody prove this wrong, please?? 15 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
The night shift things isn't what bothers me most of the time, its 100% not getting to see my kid much, he's either in school or sleeping or I'm sleeping, and 100% of the fact that I'm constantly doing the work of two people, because the owners refuse to hire a second set of hands for third, only relief to give me maybe two days off if I'm lucky and the relief doesn't flake out or get wasted. Not to mention that I'm often picking up the slack for lazy second shift workers that leave half their duties unfinished and take off so quickly as soon as I arrive they leave a trail of crap scented brown smoke behind them. Sorry for the rant, they have me so pissed off that I'm job hunting and not planning on giving any notice of departure, just a clock in to formally quit, flip off the cameras, bare my ass and clock out/walk out. Sorry! I needed to vent apparently....
Cardi B's music has a certain "quality" 2 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
Don't forget the 'failing refrigerator motor' or 'coins in a blender'.
Can somebody prove this wrong, please?? 15 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
I've worked various nightshift gigs for the last 10 years, my body is so screwed up I can honestly say I feel double my age.
Hope that's ketchup 5 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
I worked at a call center once and had a chair break in a similar way on me except it tipped me backwards and I ended up cracking my skull on a divider wall. Needless to say I didn't work there long after that, they fought paying for my medical bills trying to say I broke the chair on purpose. Even after everyone in the immediate vicinity of me said I had just sat down.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Hope that's ketchup 5 comments
mrdad01 · 5 years ago
Lift piston broke through the chair and knocked on some poor soul's 'back door' always check the weight limit on chairs kids, especially if they have a compressed air piston under them, or you could get a piston enema as well.