Your saviour has arrived, and his name is paint.net
Heckin wat 4 comments
· 5 years ago
This is from Swords, a webcomic by Matthew Wills.
"Police medic" 2 comments
Will try to nail it though 3 comments
We’re doing you favor 1 comments
Auckland, New Zealand skyline as is usually above...Today below due to smoke blown over 2 comments
· 5 years ago
This happeed a while ago, and not just in Auckland. Got it in Queenstown as well, although it wasn't as bad
A farmer in Turkey, left(in order) chestnut honey, cherry jam, Anzer honey(a honey 1 comments
· 5 years ago
A farmer in Turkey, left(in order) chestnut honey, cherry jam, Anzer honey(a honey collected from Anzer in Turkey) and flower honey for bear to choose. Every time, the bear choosed Anzer honey. It didn't even tasted other sweets. The farmer said "It's a real gourmet". (TITLE FROM NEINGAG)
A friend of mine spent 2 years driving around 28 different European countries only to 1 comments
· 5 years ago
A friend of mine spent the last 2 years driving around 28 different European countries only to record street musicians in his self-converted old ice cream truck. He went broke 3 times but in the end he managed to create an awesome album of it. (TITLE FROM NEINGAG)
Just died inside 3 comments
Was poor for all my life, watched people playing games on YouTube finally making big bugs 7 comments
Any helpful tips on getting off to sleep quicker?! :) 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Step one, don't be a bot, incapable of rest. Ever posting content that isn't theirs on a site that cannot relate to it. Usernames known by nobody, inside jokes thrust outside. Tell me bot, if you could sleep, would you dream of circuitry?
Edited 5 years ago
Beautiful 4 comments