
B.Tx L.Ca

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Filthy heathen 6 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Pink pigeon 7 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
It is more than likely a homeing pigeon. It's owner probably colored it pink to be able to find it if it gets lost. Shame we can't see if it has a little bracelet or not. That prove that is or isn't.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
My whole life has been a lie 6 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
What messed me up is finding out bananas grow upside down.
Every single night 5 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
I have a cat with a mental disability so to keep my eye on her I have a small pillow next to my head on the bed between me and our head board. My bed frame has cabnits and nightstands attached so it has like a little wall. She sleeps right there. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to get her comfy because she will get up like "You pet me?" And I say "No lay down on your pillow. Lay down on your pillow put your head down." Eventually she lays down and if I don't put her little cookie monster stuffed doll with her right away she will pop back up. And I have to do it all over again. Than I have to place an old phone on low light and play a heart beat sound low and place it next to her. And she goes to sleep. If I don't do all this she will not sleep I shit you not. O and it is not just night time I have to do it for the cat to nap 2 times a day. See we started doin this because she was looking weak but she was healthy the vet said the cat wasn't sleeping. Yeah so either this or pills. Lol
Mom company 4 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
No my mom and dad co made that company way back in the 60s lol
I can relate 8 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
It took me a second to read this because it says ONE OF MY SIX YEAR OLDS as if she has a bunch of kids grouped in ages hidden somewhere. But than I thought wait maybe she is a teacher. Lol
Every single time 10 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
See the problem with that is if the one parent you say that to was going to say no you just either 1 got your parents to fight about allowing you to do something they wouldn't want you to do or 2 got yourself accused of lying to that parent once they find out the other news said you could or couldn't.
See if you let them talk about chances are higher in your favor fpr the parent who would let you to praise you and get the other parent to allow you to go. Which is better because when 2 parents agree you can do something not just one you will have more freedom. and next time you ask if you prove yourself worthy they may allow more things to happen.
Every single time 10 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Lmao hay not going to lie I wish someone told me this stuff when I was a kid. And honestly no parent will tell their OWN kid this stuff well except my kid I let her know this stuff. I even told her that some times when there is absolutely no reason to not be allowed to do something but the parents say you can't. Some times it is either to much for them to do or if it doesnt even affect them some times something in their parent mind is saying don't let them. Just like in a little kid mind they don't know why they did something that destroys something.
Calling out all December babies 23 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Lmfao yes Americans exist we are not like fairies or unicorns lol
"Judas hold your horses..." 7 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
My favorite joke I ever heard about Judas is Jesus at the last supper is telling them all that one of them will be the one to turn him in. So each person is saying "Is it me Jesus?" And each one Jesus says "No it is not you." But than Judas says "Is it me Jesus?" And Jesus replies in a mocking voice "Is it me Jesus?!?"
1 · Edited 5 years ago
About to enter from behind 15 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
So you finally coming out to your friends that you like to be a gimp?
If it was, it would probably steal the boat. 8 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Yeah seriously wtf is with the title?
Calling out all December babies 23 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
My grandmother was born day after Christmas and if you did this to her she would combine your birthday gift with the next holiday to it. It was always a shirt that clearly said the holiday on it like New year's or Easter or 4th of July so you couldn't wear it after the holiday lol. She didn't care if you spent a shit ton of money on her one gift. And it wasn't even themed for Christmas. If you wanted to make her happy you better bring 2 gifts and one better not be wrapped in Christmas wrapping lmao. Or all your gifts you ever get from her will be wrapped in holiday wrapping lol.
O and you better not get her the same for both gifts like 2 candles or 2 things of candy or 2 peices of clothes. Lol
I always got her a Christmas themed present like a little Christmas ornament or figurine and than something like a mug no Christmas themed filled with hot cocoa packets she loved a cup of hot cocoa every morning.
7 · Edited 5 years ago
Every single time 10 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Ok as a parent I will tell you why parents do this. Most the time the parent you first ask thinks it is not the best idea but can't think of anything a reason why or wants the other parents opinion before they give theirs. Or they see no problem in it but think the other parent might so they rather check with them.
So here is what you do. Wait till they are together. Ask them together. Say you don't have to tell me right now. But I want to let you know (give reason why you want to do it)
Throw back Thursday memories! 20 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
C both lol my dad held me put ice on me and said what kind of fucking moron touches a hot stove.
Trial and error 18 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
So yet again the only thing that doesn't make it rape is we do not know how a dolphin consents to sex. But that does not change the fact that dolphins will try to have sex with you.
To try to or have sex with someone against their will.
And unless you WANT TO FUCK A DOLPHIN it is not consent which if so fact so make it rape.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Thanks for trying 25 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Yes due to my daughter's health problems when she was born they gave her her first shots and she reacted very badly. They almost kept her in the hospital due to it. So the doctor said with age she maybe be able to take the shots. So we waited till she was 6. But she had monthly to bi monthly check ups. And every cut, scrape, cold, or rash was checked by a doctor that whole time. When she turned 6 the doctors ran some test to see if she can take the shots. And they said she could so they pumped her full of them. She was such a trooper. Most kids get 2 to 4 shots at most at one time she got 14 that day. The only problems she ended up with is a rash and she felt sick to her stomach.
But if I had to do it again I would do it the same.
So yeah only not get the shots if a doctor tells you to and if so do monthly check ups.
10 · Edited 5 years ago
"Can you tell me where the nearest Starbucks is?" "That Street" "This street?" "No, That 4 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
I know someone that lived on that street no wait was it the other street? No it was definitely this street. Yeah that street right there. Lmfao
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Trial and error 18 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
You do realize it says only that because we don't know how one dolphin gives consent they can't rape. It doesn't say that dolphins will not try to pin you in someway and try to have sex with you. They will do this it has been seen and it is worse than any other animal trying because these guys will drowned you in the process if you don't get away.
So yeah they may not have a way that we are aware of to give consent but trust me they will make you feel raped.
Who else has a junk drawer 31 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
My husband's grandparents have a LARGE junk drawer in their kitchen.
I remember it was the night before my daughter's first 100th day of kindergarten and she had to have 100 something to show the class. I had NOTHING! I was almost just going to hand her 100 Penny's but than I remember that dang junk drawer. So l asked if they had anything in it. And they said go through it. Lmao my kid went to school with 100 milk jug lids. The teacher said it was the most original one she seen and gave my kid a little book of 100 stickers. Apparently my kid failed to mention that the person with the best 100 items would win a sticker book. She was so excited she came running to me saying she won. Lol the teacher asked how long did I collect the lids and I told her it was my husband's grandmother lmao she had them for God knows how long in her junk drawer.
I had to wash 100 milk lids and bag them so my kid could take them it took 3 large ziplock bags.
Spaceship 3 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Funny thing about the car one. My cousin got to see it. She said people kept trying to look into the windows. As if you could see through them lmfao
Shame 13 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
There is an extra plate and napkin the person who took the picture is about to eat as well.
Lottery winner 2 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
I have seen one with no seed what so ever. But than again I also seen one that was 99.9% seed.
6 · Edited 5 years ago
Trial and error 18 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Dolphins have been known to try to rape people. So the fact they have sex just because they like it should tell you that they really are trying to rape you.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Ching chong 7 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Sorry wasn't auto correct was my dyslexia trying to be an asshole again lmao.