
B.Tx L.Ca

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I guess vegans hate nature??? 12 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
I vote for all vegans who are like this person to have to go out into the wild and teach the animals how to eat vegan.
I can picture it now.
First lion ask the second lion
So how is your Vegan food?
Second lion says to first lion
Not bad. It's a bit chewy but that might be the shoes.
English 16 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
On behalf of the dyslexic people on this site I would like to say thank you for the freaking headache
We are out of Maple syrup, Dave 2 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
We just came back from a 3 night trip to Disneyland. Our cats and dog was left plenty of food and water. Our friend was coming by 3 times to walk the dog.
We come back and we'll...
Our youngest cat Starky (Named after Tony Stark) came waddling up to us looking like this cat lmao
Before we left he was lean and mean. No he looks like he ate all his share of food in one sitting than took half of the other cats shares lol
So he is now on a diet.
One scoop of Kitty food a day and he is held away from the others as they eat.
But happy to report Boogie put on weight as well but not like Starky lol Boogie is a bit plump lol she looked like she ate a tennis ball lol
How it be 6 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
P.S. dudes a bot
How it be 6 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
When my Dad passes away we didn't have the money for any form of service or anything. My brother's and I tired to give all we could but it wasn't enough so one of my brother's started a GoFundMe page. It made only 100 in 2 weeks. I posted it's info on here asking not for donations but help getting the word out about it. The GoFundMe reached it's goal in a few hours. After I posted it.
Many from the site and one YouTuber donated the money.
Don't say people online never help. You are just asking to much or not the right group or maybe asking the wrong way.
Don't go thinking you are entitled to their help or that they are jerks for not helping. The biggest help I got was from the YouTuber and it was all thanks to someone reaching out to them for me.
Not everyone can physically be there but sometimes emotional support is what is really important. When I saw all they did to help me I told my mom right away and we both cried.
So it isn't them maybe it is you.
Snuff picture 11 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
When this movie came out the internet was so new and smart phones wasn't really a thing yet so a shit ton of people believed the movie was real.
I was not that dumb. I would try to convince people all the time it was just a movie but of course they thought I was an idiot for thinking it wasn't real.
All the Houses 1 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
In your hot house I a small house for food and in your houses cold house for food is a smaller house to keep your butter warmer than the other cold food.
We are what we watch 1 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Our dog is a rescue dog. She was dropped off in front of the person house who we got her from. Her original owners didn't even fully stop the car. So she has huge abandonment issues. So when we are going to go to the store or so something we leave the tv on. Sometimes when we get back she is sitting watching it lol.
So we started leaving it on PBS that way she can learn stuff lol. Her favorite is Sesame Street. I think she just likes Elmo lol
Νo problem here 7 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
I wanted A cat we got 6 cats lol husband wanted zero cats. He lost there was no compromised.
3 · Edited 5 years ago
Its really hard to understand what they are saying 10 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Lol thank you
Its really hard to understand what they are saying 10 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
I don't mind Indian accents I actually love all accents.
What I hate is monotone voices.
Like this
To my
Today we are going
To talk about
The weather.
It is really
See shit like that. That pisses me off.
I know this is old but it's still funny and relevant 2 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Unless you are on a real phone and is my brother 2 years younger than me.
My neice wanted to talk to him with her play phone and he was on the phone with my mom. He told our neice "No don't hand me your phone it isn't real and even if it was I still wouldn't talk on it with you because I am on the phone."
She called him a dooty head and a jerk and than THREW her toy phone at his head lmao.
Robin williams joining the cheerleaders team 1980 6 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Why does the brightest stars have to burn out the quickest
3 · Edited 5 years ago
Sedate impolite Chicken 5 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Ladies and Gentlemen, hobos and tramps, crossed eyed misquotes and bowlegged ants, I come before you to stand behind you to tell you something I know nothing about. Last night around 3 o'clock this morning a truck fully loaded with half loaded bricks rolled down my back alley and half killed my poor dead cat. I rushed to the hospital to see him sitting at a round square cornered table eating vinegar with a fork.
15th March 3 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
And today my daughter has to go get a root canal. So shit it is a bad day.
title 2 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Me every year
If this is real, I say 100 isn't enough 3 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
What you never heard of a belated birthday card lol
"Please try again later" 15 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
We lived there after moving from California to Texas because we had trouble finding a house. It is a super small town so housing is hard to get. We moved out in less than 6 months. We also was paying rent and part of the utilities.
They didn't ask us to do that but we insisted. It was only right that we did. We also had our own food and the whole house ate dinner together but we always chipped for those groceries and I cooked the meal.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Ritzy overconfident Porpoise 8 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
I love how they are smiling. Lol scary smiles but still smiling lol
A very good boy 4 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
title 2 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Extra story.
Me in 4th grade.
Teacher gave us a test that every single person in class failed. All of us BUT 1 PERSON! Who infact made a perfect 100 on it. So teacher said guess who did the perfect score.
Went to the usual suspects. The really smart kids. But nope. Than the regular smart kids. Still Nope. The popular kids. Big NOPE.
We are all fucking stumped. Than the teacher says My name Delane. And there was a kid in class called Elane so everyone said you mean Elane??? And the teacher said NO DElane is the perfect score.
I was both shocked and really pissed everyone thinks I am stupid lmao.
title 2 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Math class 10th grade.
Me and smart kid in class going over our answers. I notice I have the SAME ANSWER as smart kid but mine is marked wrong. He says take to teacher. So I do. I take both his and mine to the teacher. She says no it is wrong. And MARKS HIS WRONG giving him a lower grade.
I had to explain what happen. He was nice about it but man I felt so bad.
Wholesome. 3 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Lol damn you dyslexia
Age is just a number 10 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
Gold digging is marrying someone and never carrying about them only about your self and thier money.
She did it to be with him and make a better life for her son. That is not gold digging.
She didn't seek him out she didn't ask him out or plead for him to date/marry her, he went after her. He asked her out. He asked her to marry him.
Did you ever look any of this up or are you going by rumors. Because I looked into it. I have seen and read alot about her life. She was not like everyone made her out to be.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Wholesome. 3 comments
mrscollector · 5 years ago
I love when celebrates do this lol