
B.Tx L.Ca

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Happens all the time 4 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
Nope texas and worse part is it happed at the same store. It is like the woman in that town is trying to be the next Florida man.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
Like.. Seriously 4 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
I am subscribed to them. It is INSANE some of the stuff they build. And the bulk of it they use just their hands. It is really crazy. It is like watching someone build all the crazy shit you wish you could of built in your own back yard as a kid.
Happens all the time 4 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
Did anyone hear about what happen at a Walmart in Texas? Lol
A woman walked around the store and ate half a cake than when she got to the register she demanded it be half off because she only wanted half the cake. Cops were called because she refused to pay full price but the cops made her pay it than she was banned.
Turns out that same Walmart just a yr or 2 before had another woman arrested because she was caught driving an electric cart in the parking lot while drinking red wine from a pringles can.
Jobless supreme historical Beaver 8 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
It's a really great store I actually got a game from them for Sega genesis. I got Golden Axe. Because as a kid growing up we had all the Golden Axes but never beat them lol.
And as for the story thing lol well I said it before. I love listing to people and asking them about their lives and I was raised to laugh even at your saddest moments. Plus my whole family's favorite pass time is reminding each other of funny stuff that happen to each other. So I collect stories everywhere I go.
And honestly I dont think I will ever run out. Lol
Trashtag challenge on Mount Everest. Results: 11 tons of trash and 4 dead bodies 4 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
They clean it every off season but the minute the season begins again they make just as much or more trash. They need to shut the mountain down for a few years till it is restored. Than only allow so many a year climb it.
You should see base camp it is like camping in a garbage dump.
If we bring a toddler and a tiger to a liveshow 7 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
Fucking talk show host doesn't even drop his fucking mic. Peace of shit.
Trashtag challenge on Mount Everest. Results: 11 tons of trash and 4 dead bodies 4 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
Yeah that once beautiful mountain is now covered in garbage, dead bodies, and human waste.
Really it is disgusting.
Jobless supreme historical Beaver 8 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
Yep girls are nerds as well.
Little Side Story
My husband recently said something that me and our daughter can't stop teasing him over.
He went into the local comic book / old video games store. They sell old games and card games and tabletop games and comic books pretty much everything a nerd could ever want.
He went in by himself because I sprained my ankle the other day. He comes back to the car to me and my daughter and he is laughing and says oh my God there are so many nerds in there. I told him it's not nice to call them nerds like that. He says well I'm a nerd to so I can but I'm not as big of a nerd as they are I'm a cool nerd. Me and my daughter almost died. So we laugh and say to him you're not a nerd you're a cool nerd.
He thinks he's a nerd just because he likes video games and computers.
5 · Edited 4 years ago
Every ‘Doctor Who’ Doctor, throughout the years 6 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
By far the best ones is 1,3,5,7-13 and War Doctor who isn't here.
But 9 will always be my Doctor. 8 may have been the first Doctor I seen but 9 hooked me when he showed Rose the end of the world.
· Edited 4 years ago
A hummingbirds wings against the sun 1 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
I call bullshit I once tried to capture a picture of a humming bird and it looks like a picture of a huge ass wasp lol
Suggestions? 14 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
How about historical facts that most people don't know.
Like Lyndon Johnson had one those cars that went from land to water. And he would take friends for a drive than pretend he lost control of the car and "crash" into a lake on his property and than drive around on the lake.
Or that Doritos were originally from Disneyland. This is a restaurant still there today that had a head chef who would cut up old corn tortillas and fry them up than season them with nacho cheese powder they used to cook with. People loved it so much it became a regular thing. Than Frito lay who the restaurant than was sponsored by bought the rights to the recipe and now we have Doritos.
I love facts like those.
Flippant helpful Buffalo 3 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
I always give a big nose lol And big eyes.
This one still makes me laugh every time I see it 34 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
I been here just enjoying the show lol
Now this is a BRO 2 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
I am subscribed to him. I love watching him cook. I have seen every episode. I always make sure to like as well.
My favorite is when he makes desserts.
I really love how he shows all the kids and people enjoying the food.
Never don't give up! 3 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
If you are polite enough and you get the right stewardess they will warm your food you brought with you. As long as it is something they can just pop into a microwave. And doesn't smell when heated like fish. Also that you ask at the right time.
King of the Hill movie? Yes, please!! 7 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
I am only upvoting for saying that Bill should be played by David Koechner
The rest I dont agree with at all.
Charlie said 7 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
I had this sweet dog growing up I mentioned him before. He was half schnauzer half pug. He looked like a ewok from star wars.
Well he LOVED anything small. We called them his babies. He once brought home a baby bunny he loved and protected it. Never put a mark on it. When most dogs would of killed it.
At that time we had a ton and I mean TON of hamsters. One night while cleaning their cages one cage fell over and they scattered. My dog ran after them trying to catch them he did catch a few for us. Not a scratch on them.
Till well one ran right at him and he slapped his paws on it to catch it. And... well... um... yeah... it didn't make it.
We joke and say he slapped his paws down and yelled "I GOT IT I GOT ONE!!" *lifts his paws to look* "ewww awww o no o geez" *hides dead hamster under the carpet* "He uh... he uh... is just taking a nap... he good he good just uh... just come back later for him."
5 · Edited 4 years ago
FINALLY 10 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
Sorry brain dead today lol I got up early today 5am to go do a sub teacher job for a summer school class. It was for English and well being Dyslexic made it extra work.
Rook at me! 4 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
They do they really do.
I had a few friends from both China and Japan they told me flat out as kids they would make fun of us just like we would make fun of them.
FINALLY 10 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
Am I the o ly o ly that noticed this is a joke for us to see he has a folder marked child porn.
Or are we all doing the ignore the obvious reason they put this here.
Lucky kid 5 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
(0.o )
( o.0)
I hope you can read 7 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
Lmfao ok you caught me off guard with that one.
I hope you can read 7 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
Depends on the food lol
Anything cheesey I will hasafashafsas
But anything soupy I blow on that shit or just wait.
The rest I just wait till cool enough.
Lucky kid 5 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
My favorite Disneyland employee moment was when one sang a whole new world lol.
See infront of the new Tropical Hideaway is Aladdin's carpet made in tiles. Because it used to be Aladdin's Oasis but they changed it to the Tropical Hideaway but kept the carpet made with tiles for nostalgia I suppose.
Well it is one the sought after places to get your picture taken at.
So my daughter sat down on it and pretended she was flying so I can take her picture. There was a custodian worker next to us and he steps next to her and starts singing a whole new world lol. It was awesome we laughed and my daughter even sang with him some. As he left he started to whistle the song as well.
Honestly the best part of going to Disney is everyone who workers there loves working there. They always try to be above and beyond what you expect from someone working there.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
Designer Jeans at its best 4 comments
mrscollector · 4 years ago
Yeah every year I tell myself I will put on sun block and stay out of the sun. And every year same shit happens I buy sunblock a day to late and end up with exactly what I have right now. 3 days of burning throbbing soreness and a week of my arms looking like ground beef crossed with a lizard shedding its skin 1 baby flake at a time.
And yes I already been to the doctor about it he gave me some strong ass aloe. Makes my arms feel numb and like I am one those wiggly arms guys in front of stores and car dealerships to bring people in.
1 · Edited 4 years ago