
B.Tx L.Ca

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You want a cat? I gotchu fam 4 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
You know the cheesier cat from Alice in Wonderland? You know how one minute he is there than another he is gone with nothing but a smile or his stripes or his tail remained?
Well it is actually based off of a drawing the Alice that Alice in Wonderland is based on did.
She was trying to draw her cat that was sitting in a tree. But every time she look up from her paper to see how to draw the cat it would move from one tree branch to the other.
So the drawing had half drawn cats all over the tree. The author loved that and kept her drawing.
So see it is SUPER hard lol
This has never happened to me brehs but I hope it does 3 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Well actually they do work because see the law isn’t to STOP people from doing what the law is against. It is to PUNISH the person who breaks the law. And those who were caught did get punished according to the law and were given a fair trial just like the law says they are supposed to have.
It is their fault for breaking the law they KNEW existed.
Not the law makers for making a law.
It takes a lot of votes to put a law into place. It isn’t just HAY lets make it illegal to do this!
You don’t vote you don’t get a say. It’s that simple.
At least in the USA that is. I don’t know for sure on the other parts of the world.
Now do I feel some laws are useless and should be removed? Yes
But honestly it is only the ones who break the law fault they break the law. Unless they are trapped in a cell forced to make illegal substances against their will from fear of death or someone close to them being killed or hurt.
· Edited 3 years ago
Don't be like him 9 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
It’s assisted suicide and in Berlin at that time assisted suicide was against the law and the person would be accused of murder.
SO by law he killed her.
Don't be like him 9 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
He locked her in a room with nothing but him a gun a suicide pill and a couch.
Seriously wouldn’t you pick the pill as well?
I call that being tortured to point of killing your self.
Hate this guy 3 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
See this is like the opposite of the hitler post. Asking why no o e knows the good he did.
Here they asking why people don’t know the bad he did.
Well his good and fame out weighed his bad.
Do I think it should be hidden what bad he did? No
Do I think it should erase what bad he did? No
It just shows you no one is pure good or pure evil.
Don't be like him 9 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
He killed his wife on their honeymoon
Don't be like him 9 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Well when you weigh the good and bad side by side and the bad out weighs the good you get remembered for the bad. He only had his self to blame.
oi! 3 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Lol my hubby has 3 and a light up mouse
Been married 15 yrs and have a kid.
7 · Edited 3 years ago
Gets you anywhere I guess 4 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Funny part is nobody really excepts American Express anymore Lmmfao
Old template but ok 3 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
There is actually a limit on what you can do with make up in many beauty competitions.
Wear a mask, stay safe 6 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
My step mother in law INSISTS on not covering her nose.
I am a high riskier due to my lung problems so is my kid due to her health issues.
My husband comes home from work and takes a hot shower placing his clothes in a trash bag. All so we don’t get sick. And there is dumb bitch asking why we never let her come by.
-.- really wonder why
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined 1 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Side note seriously love his videos lol
He always looks like someone gave a grandpa a youth serum and the side effect is bug eyed lol but he does great food reviews.
Cancer phone 2 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
My mom worked in gas stations like 711 and the cigarette companies would do like cereal would do. You send in so many proof of purchase and you can get stuff like pool floaties or towels or even lunch boxes. The small cooler kind that is lined so you can pack ice and some drinks if you want.
Now imagine a 3rd grade kid being told please stop bringing your lunch in a marlboro cigarette lunch bag. Lol
No one in our house smoked just my mom would send in the ones from cartons she have to open to sell individually and they were worth more than the packs them selfs so she got a ton of the products they had.
I went to a pool party with a camels towel lol
Back than it wasn’t really a big deal. Now it be like HOW COULD YOU LET YOUR KID PLAY WITH A ITEM THAT PROMOTES CIGARETTES!!!!
Low graphics 1 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
That’s the shit Disney pulls lol when they work on rides or buildings they just put up a tarp like this with the picture of what it will look like lol
Fortknightly 3 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
My daughter has Tourette’s and surprisingly we found playing games actually stop her tics.
It’s only when she is playing with others does it show up.
Majority of her online games end up with people cracking up at the stuff she says not making fun of her. One guy asked her if she truly had Tourettes and she told him yes CUNT FACE!!!
Lmfao she faked the cunt face tic as a joke but he said it was kool. (Her tics don’t force her to cuss)
She wants to be a gamer and I told her well just play that Tourette’s to the fullest and you can easily do it lol.
I told her but be carful you don’t want what happened to that one Tourette’s gamer to happen to you.
(The gamers tics made her say the n word)
7 · Edited 3 years ago
Kim possible is batman 2 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Actually not really
Batman supplied funding for his own gadgets and was highly trained for many years
Kim possible stumbled practically into the role and had no training.
Her gadgets is supplied by a highly intelligent friend and the government.
She relies on her friends and her wits mainly.
Batman relies on his skills and his gadgets. He said it many times before he works better alone.
She is more like a kid version of Black Widow.
Weekly contest #104: Unforseen consequences 2 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Dude we have an unwritten rule this never brought up!!!
Choose wisely 16 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Neither can I but it doesn’t mean I don’t want any of those cars.
I want them all from the General Lee all the way to the 308 from Magnum P.I.!
1 · Edited 3 years ago
Choose wisely 16 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Damn it you beat me to it lmfao
I was going to say that.
Is that like an app or something 1 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
One my closest friends has this huge deal about porn she thinks it’s disgusting. She left one husband because he kept buying porn magazines behind her back.
Yet her second marriage she admitted to home she liked to have 3 ways and was a swinger and even watched her husband have sex with another couple.
YET still if he brought porn into the house or she found out he had porn she BLOW UP!!! Say he was technically cheating.
She is an idiot. I keep her at a distance now because the drama she has constantly is just something I don’t want in my life.
I personally say WHO THE FUCK CARES!!!
It’s not cheating to look. It’s cheating to interact with another person in a sexual/loving manner not to watch porn.
Perspective is everything 4 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
This is just like my husband’s step mother.
The dumb ass will tell anyone how hard she has it with my FIL how he treats her like shit. How he won’t give her spending money or give her the things she needs. How she never signed up for being a caregiver for his 100 and 98 yr old parents. How she feels trapped.
Well finally last week she got out left for a week was saying she wants a divorce.
Me and my husband took up her chores with the grandparents. We cooked for them, cleaned them up, help them go to the toilet, spent time with them, and did all the things she did and more.
They were treated better than they ever were with her.
But turns out she burned so many bridges with people no one wanted to take her in.
So she said she “take him back”.
He just doesn’t want to die alone so he agreed.
He isn’t as bad as she makes him to be. He isn’t a great person either but she eggs him on till he can’t take it anymore.
She had a chance to leave her pit and decided the pit was better. -.-
7 · Edited 3 years ago
Unique 4 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
There is 7.674 billion people on this planet.
If you want to be 1 in a million type of a person
that would mean there is going to be 7,674 people just like you.
That’s even less than 1% of the planet so who cares if a ton of people copies a be different post.
Chances are they are different from more than 99% of the world.
Riddle me THIS capitalists 5 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Their profit is life.
Most the things you do is things that need to be done on a space ship/station to keep them alive.
And the rest are like daily chores like take out trash.
1 · Edited 3 years ago
The cat in the bath 9 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
This reason right here is why I can’t let my cat in the bathroom when I take a bath.
Sizzling noises 3 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Because it can warp the pan.
Ever have a pan that one side seems to brown a lot fast than the other or maybe when it sits on the stove it seems to not lay flat??
Well now you know why.
If you already have pans like this heat them up and flip them upside down than add water to the back. Than flip back over lay flat in the counter and add a plank of wood on top of it and something really heavy. The heavier the better.
It should after it cools be flat again. If it isn’t fully repeat the process.
Trust me it does work.
5 · Edited 3 years ago