
B.Tx L.Ca
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This is the lemon meringue pie Mum and I made for Mother's Day :) 7 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
My family always called it cow slobber lol
My grandfather started it because he raised cows for breeding and he swore it looked just like slobber from a cow.
Now imagine being 8 yrs old and your teacher ask everyone in class to one at a time stand and say what their favorite dessert is.
Yeah I stood up and said Lemon pie with a lot of cow slobber.
My family has a lot of stuff like that.
Like we call Salmonettes Salamanders lol
Napoleon really got the short straw with the British propaganda campaign 8 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
I mention this because some people still think he was killed or poisoned. Because how he died so quickly from a simple cold.
Napoleon really got the short straw with the British propaganda campaign 8 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Did you know George Washington actually died due to a lung problem.
It’s actually the same one I suffer from. It’s called Epiglottitis.
It’s where the flap that separates the throat from your lungs stops working properly or at all.
Due to this I get sick easier faster and worse than normal people (why I’m a covid high riskier).
Sometimes my lungs collapse due to it closing shut and unable to open back up.
Sometimes food and liquid enters my lungs. It’s why eating is so dangerous for me.
George Washington died due to it by a common chest cold.
There is no doubt that everyone who gets this will die from it one day.
From either can’t breath or a common cold. Some get a small case and get better I don’t I have George Washington’s same trouble. Mine and his was and is still only treatable not cureable.
1 · Edited 3 years ago
Think, mark!!! 3 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
In the original story it slipped off only due to the prince covering the palace steps with tar to make her get stuck so she couldn’t run off again like she did in the last party.
In the original it was actually multiple parties not just one.
Disney changed it to one night and no tar. They also took out the part of the step sisters losing an eye each plucked out by crows.
No way... Did the teacher really said that? 1 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
2nd grade before they knew I was dyslexic I was in class and we had to read out loud in groups one at a time.
When it was my turn this little shit said WOW READ MUCH?!?
So I said to him shut up!
He TOLD THE TEACHER and I got in trouble?!?!?!?!? Like wtf!
But that was the bitch teacher Who later in that year I threw up on her.
I’ve been thinking about this for the past 6 hours please help 1 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
So I work for a side job as a social media creator for a local fruit stand. I created and maintain the website, Facebook, Instagram, and Yelp. They wanted to talk about what I was getting paid. Before the covid stuff I was getting paid around 300 a month it’s a small stand. Well we started up again and they asked if I needed to be paid that much I told them how much I actually work on the site and updates and such so they decided to up it to 350. But I said since you need a new business card for the stand how about I redesign one for you free so that way you get more bang for your buck.
-.- the woman (who is an elderly librarian) said o don’t say that saying it means more sex for less money.
I said o sorry it’s just an old saying my dad used to say.
Who's awesome You're awesome 2 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Ok SO there is a YouTube channel that tells you using a computer voice what happens in movies.
Like it walks through and tells a short version of the movie.
But instead of saying some one had sex or kissed they say their hormones exploded and they hormoned together lmfao
1 · Edited 3 years ago
Napoleon really got the short straw with the British propaganda campaign 8 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Yeah history is full of stuff like that.
Marie Antoinette never said let them eat cake.
Queen Alexandria the great never had sex with a horse.
Vlad Tepes Never drank blood and he didn’t dip bread in the blood of impelled people.
Paul Revere never said the British were coming.
Washington didn’t have wooden teeth he had dentures made from animal bone and real teeth. He also never said he can’t tell lies and he didn’t cut down a cherry tree.
Benjamin Franklin was not this straight forward respectable man he actually was a huge pervert. He died of a STD even. So was a lot of the famous founding fathers.
Honestly I could go on forever.
6 · Edited 3 years ago
Father is watching 20 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
I am on the fence If I get buried I wish to be by my parents and family.
If I am cremated I wish to be turned into marbles and give everyone I love a marble than place a marble at places I have gone and love or always wished to go.
Like I wish one marble to be hidden somewhere in Disneyland I don’t know where yet I am still thinking on it. See its against the rules to drop ashes but not to “drop” a marble into the river or hide one on the river boat or accidentally “hide” one in Mickey’s house. Lol
But also places like a tree I loved to read under in my family’s pasture. And one buried behind the firehouse in my home town where as a little girl I played waiting for my Dad to get off work.
I want one dropped into the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and one on top of Mount Everest because there’s no way in hell I would ever really climate should be taken when I’m dead is kind of cool lol.
I think it be nice to know I am apart of all the places I loved.
If it doesn't sound like an AK-47 what's the point 4 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
My kid sounds like a 1960s secretary in a room filled with other secretaries. Lmfao
Stolen Valor, but make it fashion 1 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
It doesn’t say who to make the appointment for.
My Church I teach Sunday School at (well before this happen) has a group meeting once a week for parents who found their children are gay. It helps them learn what their kids now need and what to do when they bring over dates and such. It honestly is so sweet.
So many just don’t know what to do but they love their kids so they want to try to get better to help them.
My husbands grandfather the preacher of the church shocked the hell out of us when he offered to speak to them about no matter what they should love their kids.
It really shocked us because he seems like the type that be all THAT IS A SIN!!
Lol but he actually said Jesus said bring me your tired your poor your hungry.
So he will not turn away anyone who wants to learn and worship him.
Yall know how I feel Love is love and thats all god truly cares about love and be loved.
Henry VIII's rule in a nutshell: 1 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
That awkward moment when his mistress who was his second wife’s sister gives him a son but it’s a bastard son and Anne Boleyn finally was willing to marry him. So the bastard son was pushed aside.
In fact it was purely due to the son that Anne Boylen’s sister was not beheaded as well with her sister and brother.
And his 3rd wife gave him a son but it was sickly so he pushed harder for a son.
2 · Edited 3 years ago
Let's see Bert the Turtle try and lift up a truck 1 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
They had to tell people something
How do you explain that if you are close enough to be in blast range that if you don’t die from the blast it’s self the radiation will kill you anyways but in a slower more painful death.
And there is no out running a blast like that.
It gave the kids and the parents something to calm their nerves about the chance of a bomb dropping on their heads and destroying everything.
Honestly it was no better than the tornado drills we had as a kid.
Face the wall drop to your knees put your hands on the back of your neck and put your face between your knees.
And as my Dad used to say and KISS YOUR ASS GOODBYE because if a tornado ripped the roof off that room you just found your self in a vacuum and you are holding on to nothing but your own ass.
4 · Edited 3 years ago
Welcome dudes 8 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Lmfao that’s funny because my husband’s Dad is called Dude by our daughter.
When she was learning to talk my husband and his dad would say hay dude and dude this and dude that every thing started or ended with dude.
She picked it up that he is dude because my husband is her dada lol so the other guy must be dude lmfao
Yeah bro don't be stupid 5 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
My daughter has Tourette’s and one thing people say to some one who has Tourette’s is have you tried not ticking. (-.-)
It has became a running joke with my husband me and our kid.
She would tic and we smile and say have you ever tried not ticking? Or tried not having Tourette’s? If you have it and don’t want it just don’t!
She tells me GEE MOM have you ever tried breathing? (I have lung problems) If you can’t breath just breath that’s all it takes.
For her Dad (he is balding) GEE DAD have you ever tried just growing hair??
If you are bald and want hair just grow it.
Lol we all laugh because it truly is ridiculous to ask a person with Tourette’s to just try not to.
Memes from Melmac 2 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
I thought it was the camel from the camel cigarettes commercials from the 80s lmfao
A w k w a r d 2 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
It was my Father in laws 65th birthday last Sunday. I walked in behind him and stood there very calmly till he turned around he said Hi! I said Hi I would of said hello sooner but now that you are a year older I was worried I might scare you and it’s not healthy for old people to be surprised like that.
He just laughed and said very funny.
I said happy birthday.
4 · Edited 3 years ago
Or at least I'll miss them 11 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Just ummm... unless you like to cry ALOT don’t watch the last episodes of 3 of them.
I’m not sure how Phineas and Ferb end -.-
Things you learn about 22 year old movies 4 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Seriously forgot he was the Iron giant lol
4 · Edited 3 years ago
There is no Xbox, there is only cat 7 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
He wants some guy time lol
My cat Allen is MY ESA yet once in a while he goes to husband and INSISTS on being in his lap lol he really loves watching my husband play games. Like right now he is playing a Grand Tismo 0.o I think that’s it lol it’s a race game lol and my cat LOVES to watch him play it he sit there and even lean when he turns on a curve lol
But of course my cat will even watch movies and tv shows with me. Like 2 days ago I was watching The Nevers on HBOmax and it paused due to low battery on my tablet and he was sitting next to me and the minute it paused he growled lmfao like DAMN IT RIGHT DURING A GOOD PART!!!
It's always sunny predictive text game 77 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
The gang is in a hurry and they have a lot to say about the food that is always good for food that we are supposed to be tossing around with each other’s hands up to eat and drink spilt candy from each other’s cheese sticks.
Lmfao no lols this time but what the fuck is going on lmfao
@SKOOLKNIGHT 3 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Ok SO I have been over this in my head and through info.
The eagles would of refused to do it due to the bad energy surrounding the ring. That is why only after it is gone do they help.
Plus they only owed Gandalf 1 favor and they probly would of counted going and returning as 2 favors. Chances are Gandalf knew this already.
· Edited 3 years ago
Perspective is everything 4 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Lol it’s because some people collect items I collect stories lol I love talking to people and asking questions that most don’t ask.
I ask stuff a kid would lol I ask stuff like what is your favorite dinosaur lmfao
You can’t take stuff with you to the after life but you take the memories and the stories.
2 · Edited 3 years ago
*laughs in insomnia* 1 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Every morning I tell myself she goes to online school at 830am I will get up at 6am I will clean, walk the dog, make a big breakfast. Than at 8 I will wake her up get her to the bathroom have her eat than get cleaned up and changed for class.
Than there is me 8:20am debating if I can squeeze 5 more minutes of sleep if I just brush her hair as she washes her face and changes her shirt. And I shove a pop tart in her mouth lol
-.- she is 14 and yes I still wake her every morning. Lol honestly if I didn’t she sleep through her alarms she is like her dad I damn near beat the shit out of him one day because it was supposed to be my rest day where I don’t clean cook or anything but relax and he would NOT STOP HITTING SNOOZE! PLUS IT TOOK FOREVER TO GET HIM TO ACTUALLY TURN THE ALARM ON EVEN THAT!!!
I would say Babe alarm he go huh what ok and tuck his ASS BACK IN!!!
1 · Edited 3 years ago
What in the Imaginary Pain is this?!?! 9 comments
mrscollector · 3 years ago
When I was in 7th grade there was the is couple who met in kindergarten and started dating in 3rd grade.
They celebrated holidays with each other’s families went on vacations with each other.
They even had “family portraits” made up of the two looking like a newly married couple.
(Not in wedding clothes but in like matching outfits and such)
They married a few days after graduation.
But I remember for one year in 11th grade they broke up for about half the school year because he wanted to spend the summer working at Walmart and she wanted to spend it working at target. She wanted to work together but he hates target and she thinks Walmart is for poor people lol she was a snob. They had a full on I hate you fight mid hall at school she cried he cried even. It ended in her being taken to nurse office by her friends and he was being hugged by his friends.
Lmfao my friend (who is her own drama queen) said DAMN Romeo broke up with Juliet right in front of us. Lol