
B.Tx L.Ca

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Technically correct, the best kind of correct 7 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
She asked if that was my mom I said yes I told her how both my parents passed away. And she said I guess we won than. I asked what do you mean? She said she was young and her husband was her first boyfriend and she was his first girlfriend and they didn’t know how to date so they just copied my parents and she is glad she did.
Lmfao so I think it is definitely 1 in a million I met them. I knew the story since I was little.
Technically correct, the best kind of correct 7 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
My Mom and Dad when they were dating had this couple that pretty much copied them. If they went to a movie sure enough the couple went the next day. If they went to a restaurant the couple went there the next day. My mom and dad even had a picnic and the couple had one next day. They even copied gifts. My dad gave mom a necklace the guy gave his girl a necklace.
This went on for almost a year. So as a joke mom and dad get a tin ring out of a gum all machine and tell everyone they are getting married. Sure enough NEXT DAY guess who is getting married lol.
My parents felt so bad they decided to get married.
Last part…
Technically correct, the best kind of correct 7 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
This is a 2 part story with 2 stories that make 1
I was born in Gonzales Texas.
I now live in Exeter California. Both Itty bitty towns states apart.
I LEGIT LAST NIGHT! Met a woman who was born in my home town. She is as old as my mom would be today. I asked when did she move? She said after high school. There is only 1 high school in the town. I asked did she know a Laura Lee Pettus? She said O my gosh I haven’t heard that name in years! She and her husband is why me and my husband got married.
Ok so here the other part…
My granny kinda strict though 2 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
My husband’s grandparents are 100 and 98 they helped raise him and his sister because his parents were assholes. His grandmother was okish but still more like a strict parent. But to our daughter they were and still is so sweet and try to make her laugh. They both have Dementia and Alzheimer’s yet still remember that she is their great grand kid. She doesn’t call my husband’s parents ANYTHING close to a loving grandparents name. His Dad is Dude and his mom is Vikki. My parents Boompa and Lolly. They picked them lol and they loved her. My grandparents sadly died before meeting her but I know they would of loved her. So really all she has is 2 VERY old great grandparents that are still alive.
A friend got pregnant 2 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
I am the only one in my siblings that got married than got pregnant. They all had either got pregnant than married or had kids than married or had kids never married.
So when They found out I was pregnant they sent me a card that was just a folded piece of paper. In it was written “You think you are SO SPECIAL cause you had a non bastard kid la dee da!” I never would call my nieces and nephews a bastard child. But that’s my brothers for yah they thought it was funny. -.- they are idiots
waddup 5 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Honestly only reason I remember them so much (this was like 12 years ago we met them) was because the main guy real birth certificate name was Peanut lmfao and at that time my husband’s grandparent’s dog’s name was Peanut!
waddup 5 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
My husband does computer work for people on the side. One time he unknowingly at first did work for a few “skin heads”. We are white. They asked him to join he said no I’m sorry I couldn’t do that. They said no problem. They spread my husband’s number around as a great guy to call for working on electronics. He got to know the guys and they were super friendly and nice. One day he asked why did they hate other races. The main guy laughed and said “DUDE IM 1/4 BLACK! We don’t hate races we just want to hang around other white people. True we won’t invite someone unless they at least LOOK white but we don’t hate we all about love.” And it was true they didn’t promote the swastika or the hoods or anything they just like to be around their own race and chill while doing white people stuff lol.
Now I’m not saying all are like that but it shocked the shit out of us that there are some like this lol
I happily can relate to this 5 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
What the hell you think Elsa is to her? Lol
I happily can relate to this 5 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
It says having a BOYFRIEND’S FAMILY! It is talking about the rock people how they are his family and they love her.
As a person who has to deal with asshole in-laws while my husband has my parents who loved him like a son I know how hard it is to be hated by in-laws.
I told my kid TRUST ME don’t marry a man with shitty parents because you have to defend not only you but your kids honor day in and day out.
5 · Edited 2 years ago
Shark Attack #10 - Underwater Waltz 6 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
When the tank cleaner is drunk at work again. Lol
Voice actors are underrated 1 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
The voice of Ursula was Pat Carroll and she is an amazing voice actor.
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Taxation is theft 3 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Not me my grandmother. She worked at a convenient store and damn near every day a man would walk in and before he leave he ask my grandmother if she had an umbrella. She say no I don’t. He say what a shame I will get you one. He never brought the umbrella in for her but each time he ask if she bought one. She say no and still he say what a shame.
One day he comes in and says listen I am moving out of state but promise me you will buy your self an umbrella. She finally broke and asked WHY do you keep telling me I need an umbrella?
The man said with a nose so turned up like yours you’re sure to drown the first sign of rain.
-.- my grandmother nearly killed a man that day.
Well at least it’s not bees… 8 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
They did this because they actually ask are you sending bees? Lol it’s legit my favorite question when sending mail. But I get it you don’t want to send it with someone who is allergic.
Curly Howard (Three Stooges) saving dogs 3 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
He was so kind and yet treated so badly by fans and women. They thought he could take hits for real so they walk up to him and just beat him up. Him and curly went through it. Moe was lucky he usually got away with looking different just by his hair being slicked back while not on camera or stage.
Only pussies say if you want to come 2 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Due to my dyslexia I have trouble talking. My type is my brain is just going at a faster than ace than my eyes ears mouth and hands so I tend to fumble on words when speaking. So I think long on what I want to say and how to say it. This is why I tell my husband and kid the way you word things needs to be perfect. Because saying something as simple as “What do you want?” Can come off as rude or as you want them to leave. So if you want to know what they want say it correctly. “What would you like me to do/tell you?” Is more friendly.
· Edited 2 years ago
Owls - Little Goblin Birds 4 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Fun fact when they hear something that they really want to listen to like an animal they bulge theirs eyes out a bit The reason is their ears are behind their eyes and by opening their ears more open to hear better they unintentionally make their eyes bulge out lol
I eat grass 7 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Her hair is naturally strawberry blonde but she lives open plains and grassy hills, she is more of quick wit on jokes, and when mad she sounds like she spent her whole life in Texas lol
Continuing the thread 5 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
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Daily Jahy-sama meme: Day 295 1 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
What if I told you if you are caught in certain states it’s a huge fine? Some it’s jail time.
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You're rich, but poor 1 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
When you are rich enough to buy all the things you ever wanted.
Even things you wanted as a kid.
Trust me if I had a million bucks I would own a beautiful house and a smaller amazing house out back that has a sign that says
· Edited 2 years ago
I eat grass 7 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
My daughter convinced her WHOLE CLASS in 2nd grade that she was a robot and me and her Dad built her. Btw she was born in Texas we live in California YET when she told the class this they refused to believe it.
Secretly a robot? YEAH SURE
Actually born in a different state? Pbbbt!!! LIAR!!!
Zombieland Rule #1 applies 3 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
I’m sorry but he is being smart!
He is trying to prepare himself for something that he knows if it happens he won’t be able to survive on his own so he needed to prepare early!
He knows if it happens tomorrow while every skinny person running around trying to figure out food and weapons he has a secret bunk filled with every thing he could ever need for the next yr or so. And by rationing his food he will drop the weight and still be alive while the skinny people starve to death LONG TIME before he does. All do to being large and in charge.
You Know You Got Problems When 9 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Got the tuna and cat treats as well. Got a few for the dog as well. Allen has eaten THE WHOLE CAN lol he loved it he been purring ever since. And his breath smells like a cannery lol. He burped in my husbands face and hubby nearly barfed lol
They're so Cute UwU 7 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
That seriously looked like a muppet yawning lol
You Know You Got Problems When 9 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
I have PTSD due to loss of my parents. Yesterday I had to go to the ER for my husband. I saw way to many old adults who were sick and weak. When I got to the car I had a episode and it lasted till I got home to my ESA my cat Allen. He knew the minute I walked in the door. He meowed till I picked him up. (He never does that when I come home. He is more of a “hay” than walks away.) He insisted on kissing me and every time I stopped petting him he gave love bites till I pet again. All the time purring and rubbing against my face.
It helped calm me I was better within a hour. And he stayed with me the rest of the day always just within arms reach.
He is an amazing loving animal. I truly am blessed to have him.
Seeing this post makes me want to go buy him a huge can of tuna. I am actually he deserves it.