
B.Tx L.Ca

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Seem the same to me 8 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Basic safety would of only stopped Augustus Gloop the others where at own fault in the first movie and remake but in the remake Veruca Salt was attacked by the squirrels that she was told not to touch but her dad is extremely rich and could probably be able to sue wonka. But you hear him finally stand up to her at the end so he might not do it.
But other than that the rest were completely at fault.
Violet Beauregarde was told repeatedly not to eat the gum in both movies.
Mike Teavee was told to not go anywhere near the transport spot. Even told him to get away.
Even Charlie was TOLD the drink wasn’t ready to be tried.”
Can’t blame the workers chances are not all even know English.
So as you see the ONLY person who would be able to sue and win would be Augustus Gloop.
That’s that shit I DO like 3 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Wait a year or so lmfao you be all snuggled in and trying to sleep when you hear SNORE!!!!
Or squished you and you say lovingly “move over babe your squishing me” but they don’t move or wake up so you say it louder and give a tiny shove, still nothing. So you are now rocking them back and forth so hard you think they are dead while screaming “MOVE THE FUCK OFF ME!!!!” AND FINALLY they stir a bit like huh o sorry babe and gentle move over but you are now fully awake!
O there is also the wake up freezing to find SOMEONE made themselves into A BURRITO!!!
The worst though is you are sweetly rubbing there head as they drift off to sleep and just as they are FINALLY asleep MIND YOU THAT IS AFTER YOUR ARM DAMN NEAR FELL OFF!!!! They sweetly reach up grab the under side of your upper arm and YANK WITH ALL THEIR DAMN MIT!!!!!!!
And he wonders why I sleep with a pillow between us and a spare blanket -.-
AND YES!!! He is giggling at me as I type this!!!
Which one is cuter? 2 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Racist people be like “OMGOD all Asians look alike ha ha”
Seriously it’s not that hard to tell one person from another.
Seem the same to me 8 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Yeah but he made them sign wavers and he did tell them not to do the things they did BEFORE they did it causeing harm to them selfs.
· Edited 2 years ago
Seem the same to me 8 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Ummmm he never KILLED kids in the end of the book the kids are seen walking out with their parents. Even in the remake they just didn’t include the scene in the original. It is one of the many reasons the writer of the books REFUSED to let a sequel be made and the remake was only made AFTER his death.
Y'all have one job fellas 3 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Except different races skulls look different. And a woman’s skull looks different than a man’s.
Name this 80's band .. 17 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
You win the extra brownie points lol
Reader beware and prepare to follow me [Gravestone] 16 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
That’s a possibility lol people have been made into fireworks and I have a cousin who is being made into a civil war cannon ball. Lol he is a big civil war buff.
He already has all the things s t up for when he dies. (He is around 60 I forget how old. But he had this plan since he first was married and found out there is no room for him in her family plots lol)
Name this 80's band .. 17 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Their hit single “A Classic Fool”
Extra brownie points if you know the movie he said that line in lol
Name this 80's band .. 17 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
They are called “Always”
Reader beware and prepare to follow me [Gravestone] 16 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
I personally can’t decide if I want to be buried or cremated and if cremated I want some my ashes turned to marbles and “lose” them in places I love and always wanted to go.
Reader beware and prepare to follow me [Gravestone] 16 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
My brother said when he dies he wants in extremely small print so the person reading it has to stand right in front of the tombstone to read it the words “GET OFF MY FACE!” lmfao just figures he think of that lol
They're evil 5 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Dolphins aren’t evil they are just playful like a dog that doesn’t realize it’s no longer a tiny puppy but is now a gigantic dog and so it accidentally KILLS the kitty it was playing with and they are bit of a rapist.
I admire your Savagery 5 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
All better now my eye gets dry more quickly but the doctor said that’s due to the damage it be at least a month or two more till it stops doing they they said. I even had to go to a specialist and he said I was EXTREMELY lucky. He even said chances are if it was just a hair deeper I would of lost my eye.
So it was scary.
After that I started where it a sleep mask to cover my eyes. I need my cat for my ptsd so he still sleeps on my pillow just lol I’m more on guard.
It was the best of times, it’s was the worst of times 3 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
You be surprised how people change in a short time. I went 10 years without seeing my parents or brothers. My Dad was almost unrecognizable he was 60 when I saw him last than 70.
He went from 46 to 57.
5 · Edited 2 years ago
A good life lesson 3 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
No you should always give people a chance to be kind. If they don’t take it that is when you show your evil side lol
Based einstein 3 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Though this is a clever way to put it, truth is if something is wrong the whole world could say it was wrong and a stubborn person would still say it’s right.
I mean that’s how we get a Karen.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
A good life lesson 3 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
It should say
“Son if THEY can’t say something nice, say something clever AND devastating.”
Top sold separately 5 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
So my kid broke her laptop screen luckily my hubby is a technician and lol let’s just say I know that that is still usable.
So instead of drinking a coke, I will now eat 6 donuts 9 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
One thing that BLEW MY MIND was finding out a Whole Boston cream pie is healthier than a ceaser salad covered in ranch.
Seriously me 3 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
This is LEGIT my husband. He has NO CLUE how to comfort someone.
He also doesn’t know how to tell people bad news lol.
If I die before him I have assigned some one to tell our daughter. Lol
Because he just say “Bad news Mom is dead.”
Lmfao that’s how he tells bad news no prep no it be ok she is better off now nothing to comfort.
Just she dead!
We joke about it to him and he says “WELL ITS THE TRUTH?!?!?”
We got a lot of meme material from episode 2 2 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
So My daughter (14) developed Tourettes last September. Due to covid she been out school so no kids or teacher had to experience her.
This yr her school is letting online continue but Wednesday is in person. *evil grin*
One her tics is when angry she barks at the person. I can’t wait because the teacher she has on that 1 day is her past teacher she hates lmfao woman is a bitch so this will be awesome.
(Side note: We have prepared her for possibly be made fun of and what to do.
But we also been training her to fake a tic to tell people off lmfao
She can’t wait lmfao she is so evil lol
What kind of fruit is this? 11 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
No don’t squish it what I said is IT’S VERY SQUISHY not IT IS SQUISH-ABLE! Lol
1 · Edited 2 years ago
What kind of fruit is this? 11 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
Hissy fruit it tends to shed fur as you hold it and it’s very squishy fruit.
Seriously man. It’s gonna be 2 months 7 comments
mrscollector · 2 years ago
I was lovingly rubbing my husband fore head as he slept because he had a migraine. Than he grabs my arm digs his nails in and yanks it as hard as he could.
I screamed YOU SON OF A BITCH!
He didn’t wake up.
I told him what happen and says he is sorry than laughs and says I thought it was a pillow.