Took me a minute 23 comments
· 10 years ago
Fuck. Yeah.
Took me a minute 23 comments
· 10 years ago
See this is what is wrong with science now a days. Most of it does not lean towards reality. I mean, what are the odds that a bar would stack H2O2? If if did, serve it if ordered?
And On The 8th Day It Was So Said "Let There Be Science...." 65 comments
· 10 years ago
Would it be possible to find a secluded area where all religious people can go live? Don't we have enough problems om this planet?
Things made out of climbing rope 6 comments
I saw my boyfriend today! Eeep! :) 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Wouldn't be a best friend if it doesn't know one don't have a boyfriend now would it?
Am I the only one who prefers cities like this? 26 comments
· 10 years ago
Got out of NYC alive, just in time for that urge to commit harikiri, naked in the middle of Times square. Citites are good for somethings in a small to moderate portion. Biggest problem with citities being the people in the. People are people and people are mostly fuckin' idiots.
University janitor draws an impossible maze 20 comments
How europeans imagine america 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't need to imagine. I've got relatives in Ablabama. It is another dimension, another dimension, another dimension. (But who am I to judge, It's not that I dislike riding dirt bikes and blowing things up.)
The real world wouldn't understand. 10 comments
Seriously? 11 comments
· 11 years ago
Or maybe the Viking that namned it ate som Amanita? Much like the dude that namned Alabama "The Beautiful"?
Seriously? 11 comments
Sweden got their sh*t together 14 comments
Healthcare should be free 39 comments