

A reader, a writer, and an occasional whiner. I also have a cat named Mustard (see: profile picture.)
muffintop Report User
Sometimes math hurts 7 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
Me in every physics class in this semester. I lost hope halfway through the course and ended up taking naps during the rest of the semester.
How students react to rain in Egypt 6 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
Same here in the UAE. Rain = good weather
Me. 9 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
I put a sticker on it because I'm a paranoid person.
Would something like this be a good gift? (I would add a couple other little things too) 8 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
I made these for my friend's 17th birthday. She loved it.
How do you pronounce that 14 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
A "noon" actually, right at the end.
This was really deep 20 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
Pay day is a monthly thing in my country.
Awesome wedding henna 18 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
Oh hey I just put henna on today!
And a diet coke pls 13 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
My friend drinks diet coke because she has diabetes.
Who else want this? 9 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
I suspect many tragic incidents will ensue...
I'm more upbeat and happier when speaking Spanish. Shy and timid in English 54 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
I speak both English and Arabic, and even though Arabic is my native language, I'm more confident when I speak English.
Poor cat 8 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
I laugh at this every time it's posted
MuffNut? Nutinmuff 8 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
Actually, you can bake donuts. Fried ones are just more common.
These kids paid for this 9 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
Don't classes usually have a limited number of seats? Why would a class offer places for students that are over its capacity?
I'm 5'2, none of them fit 32 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
I'm 153 cm (about 5 feet) and every maxi dress/jumpsuit/maxi skirt I buy has to be taken to my mom first to shorten because everything is so freaking long.
I'm still bitter about this 9 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
We have a Borders in Dubai too.
Just some mountain goats 11 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
Apparently, mountain goats are gravity-resistant.
Let us wallow in misery together 14 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
All the Bright Places </3
When I get to finally take a shower at home after a week's worth of camping 9 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
Me when I come home from university
World seasons 6 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
Yeah we only have two seasons in the uae: Hell Weather Simulator, and Somewhat Cooler Than the Inside Of an Active Volcano.
Like WTF YOU DOOOIIINN 7 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
My sister once did that and I couldn't believe that I'm actually related to her
words of wisdom 17 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
Where do you even find mascara worth less than 9 dollars? I've been trying to find cheap ones, but even the cheapest ones are nowhere near $9.
Punsubstance. 6 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
You know, I never even knew what puns are until I discovered this website. I'm a changed person now.
Horrifying social experiment proves how easy it is to kidnap teenage girls 47 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
I don't understand how these girls didn't seem to comprehend how very real stranger danger is. I mean, they've probably heard and read about kidnappings quite a few times. So how come they're so trusting when it comes to the 'fifteen year old boy' they talked to for only four days? I'm seventeen and there's no way I'd trust an online stranger like that, even if I've talked to them for a year. Honestly, you never know who's the real person behind their online profile.
Stop horsing around 7 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
A girl at my school once wore one of these masks while her friend gave her a piggyback ride through the hall. It was one of the strangest things I've seen at my school all year.
I can't even 15 comments
muffintop · 9 years ago
I once got annoyed by my friend because I had a dream about her and she spent the entirety of it ignoring my existence. Then I realized I was being dumb and forgave her, even though she did nothing wrong to begin with. I'm an odd person.