

Ï äm @dj_nä_tëx rëïncärnätëd.
lüh wörld jüst sëëms tö hätë më för sömë rëäsön.

— nätëthëgrëät Report User
Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need 12 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
you may not deserve this hero, but I do, wanna fight about it?
that's right boy, you buy that site >:)
Dad drops the truth bomb 3 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
gake and fay
Blockbuster is still alive 6 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
do it and invite me, I might actually drive over there, the car I'm looking at has amazing mileage so it's probably possible
yeah 6 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
m a y b e
Domino bike 8 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
Don't cry over dead milk 5 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
how about somehow injected into a diamond and frozen
He'd bash him before being asked xD 2 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
yeah baby, he he yeaaahhh
*lenny face* 10 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
I'm about to top this in a minute...Rick and Morty style.
We got a problem? 13 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
DooM ftw
How would you like your remains to be handled after you die? 4 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
i wanna be cremated
It's time to stop.. Or is it ? 35 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
it's okay, just take a hit of this and watch as you fly
It's time to stop.. Or is it ? 35 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
may I try? I'm tryna get high.
It's time to stop.. Or is it ? 35 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
I just got some good weed, wanna try?
It's time to stop.. Or is it ? 35 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
yet all is fine
It's time to stop.. Or is it ? 35 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
i step in as host,
the post revived
Boy learnt his lessons 7 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
'cos I got high
This makes me cry a little bit 2 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
I hate teachers who do this shit.
Loser in the middle 6 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
F u c k
M y
L i f e
Boy learnt his lessons 7 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
But then I got high
You've gone too far 11 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
they've not gone far enough
It's time to stop.. Or is it ? 35 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
okay, have fun weaboos
It's a miracle 9 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
now that you bring that up, you are pretty much obligated to take that money...
it's your money now, fuck them muahahahahahahahaha >:)
and if anyone comes looking for the money...
what money?
i don't know what the fuck you're talking about, good luck
*shuts the door*
A great depiction of Global Warming 10 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
@guest, guest, guest
you seem to think you're the best
I'm tired of these swarming flies
I'm tired of your fucking lies
you lie as liars tend to do
but in your eyes I see the truth
and now my eyes are fucking glazed
all because, I'm fucking blazed
It's a miracle 9 comments
natethegreat · 6 years ago
for the time that I am taking the money I am christian and I believe all that god stuff, therefore it's a sign that the money is for me, i mean there's no other possible reason, so the lorde say-eth