

Ï äm @dj_nä_tëx rëïncärnätëd.
lüh wörld jüst sëëms tö hätë më för sömë rëäsön.

— nätëthëgrëät Report User
F**king furies...Indeed (Shirogane_sama) 10 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
In an alternate universe with furry cheerleaders...
Texting people if they got home safe 3 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
No homo.
Thus, "Whomst'd've" 3 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
Handsome boi
Michael is a genius 12 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
I am a double rainbow.
Texting people if they got home safe 3 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
*passionate kiss in the lips*
Goodnight, homie ;)
So like every girl ever 4 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
Huh, so there's a word for starting off cold before warming up to someone.
I feel like that's a lot of us >:B
The detail on this sculpture 14 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
Clock's ticking...tik tok...xD
Conspiracy theory 1 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
*xfiles theme plays*
It's a scam, they get money from the movie companies to show their trailers while they also know that they're gonna bank from the sale of sodas/candy/popcorn because those trailers make you hungry, I don't know why but that's just the way it is, so for the next few hours they got you like a drug addict, always making money off the comeback.
And that my friend is not a just a conspiracy, it's happening RIGHT NOW...
Uluwu 6 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
t h e
h i l l s
h a v e
e y e s
Spongeboll 2 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
wow, thanks for that image which I'll never be able to unsee...I appreciate that.
Yes this is big brain time 7 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
I'm both scared for the pig/person and I'm laughing because that's absolutely hilarious :D
Wendy's getting triggered 12 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
I'm a...chick FILL-A
ehh? :D
*sticks hand up for a high five*
*starts sweating profusely*
We've been tricked 3 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
when being silent works in your favor
No amount of masterbation works 3 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
I hope you don't enjoy being a firearms owner because they'll be coming for those sadly.
Officer, to be fair 3 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
I love Texas
From "Scandinavia and the World" 8 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
Leave me alone
Honestly what a good idea 2 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
True friends blow each other
Take care of your servers 2 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
Even worse
Where can I get a lap-elephant? 3 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
We're all pups now...arf
Lemme show you a thicc ass 8 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
The model doggie date profile
Daily Dose of Doggo #10 - Croc Dog 3 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
Lawful Evil is the way to go 5 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
Not when he gets that bill
Cheaters, they weren't it 3 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
when is it going down?
A true terror 2 comments
natethegreat · 4 years ago
*kicks your poster off the wall*