

Ï äm @dj_nä_tëx rëïncärnätëd.
lüh wörld jüst sëëms tö hätë më för sömë rëäsön.

— nätëthëgrëät Report User
I asked for “no pickles” and had my manhood questioned 2 comments
natethegreat · 16 weeks ago
Congratulations, ur just "dickless" now.
You will receive new Credit cards, ID's, passports and social security card in the mail within 2-3 business days.
I wonder how common this is 1 comments
natethegreat · 16 weeks ago
Uhh huhuhuhuh...score uhuhuhuh
Ehh heheheheh...Yea, SCORE!!!
Hard choices 3 comments
natethegreat · 16 weeks ago
Hmm...out of curiosity I guess I choose the gf as well
Qoſ ǝuo pɐɥ ʎǝɥꞱ - John Oliver at a Harbor Freight 1 comments
natethegreat · 17 weeks ago
shiiieeettt, if John Oliver wants me to go to Harbor Freight, then yes the fuck I will, mate.
Hard choices 3 comments
natethegreat · 17 weeks ago
wtf is this "love" u speak of???
Had to double take at this Bass Dynasty fish attractant 1 comments
natethegreat · 17 weeks ago
They knew exactly what they were doing...
Is this a hipster or did I find Waldo? 1 comments
natethegreat · 17 weeks ago
I hate hipsters.
I abhor hipsters, I eat them for fun...
Premium nutritious criminal 1 comments
natethegreat · 17 weeks ago
Ayo, wtf 1 comments
natethegreat · 19 weeks ago
Nostalgia gets expensive man, that's why I'm hoarding some ps1/ps2s plus 2-3 copies of all my favorite games in case 1 breaks/gets scratches horribly.
Anon utterly destroys his sister 1 comments
natethegreat · 19 weeks ago
When my wife asks me to stop intentionally peeing on the toilet seat: 1 comments
natethegreat · 19 weeks ago
"Don't ask me to stop being a disgusting fuck"*
It is better the 2nd time you visit 1 comments
natethegreat · 19 weeks ago
Honestly, that's how you should spell "museum" 'cos u say "Mu-ze-um" not "myoo-see-um"
The future is now 2 comments
natethegreat · 20 weeks ago
GMㅤㅤㅤㅤ 1 comments
natethegreat · 20 weeks ago
True, just need to find a quick n easy way to aquire it.
Conceptual pushy twisted 1 comments
natethegreat · 20 weeks ago
One must approach the Wizard with caution.
Frightened obeisant widening 1 comments
natethegreat · 20 weeks ago
Red pill or blue pill?
Tha choice is yaws...
My religious grandma's mousepad from her computer room 1 comments
natethegreat · 21 weeks ago
"I'd like to 'back up' your hard drive...;)"
-The Rizzler
Rare Pick of Gay Chemtrails Being Dispersed by a Gov'ment Plane 4 comments
natethegreat · 21 weeks ago
Frog: mmm...cum here, thweety an' find ooouuuutt...
“what did you just say?!” 1 comments
natethegreat · 21 weeks ago
Cheery Oh's 14 comments
natethegreat · 22 weeks ago
Wholesome ending: I grew up and now cringe at my past comments, enjoy your cereal however you like :)
chief 1 comments
natethegreat · 22 weeks ago
s n i c h
Good grief 1 comments
natethegreat · 22 weeks ago
(oc) My brother looks for the worst Peeps and this Christmas didnt disappoint 1 comments
natethegreat · 22 weeks ago
Look like it was drawn with fresh cum splotches