Sounds like a lot of people I know 14 comments
· 6 years ago
Phones shouldn't be allowed in school
Dog bites itself because it’s use to being abused 4 comments
· 6 years ago
What kind of monster did that to that poor dog? People like this deserve to be burned in hell over and over again.
Beauty at its best 4 comments
Wait.. Wait... Wait... WHAT?! 8 comments
Wait.. Wait... Wait... WHAT?! 8 comments
That's what true gamers do 17 comments
800 dogs rescued from dog meat truck that headed to yulin festival 35 comments
· 7 years ago
Torture pigs ,cattle and chicken in farms by many no one bats an eye. Do the same to dogs everyone loses their shit. Pathetic .
When the DNA work just right 11 comments
· 7 years ago
And this is the reason why people want to reproduce in their own races. And some morons call it racism .
This barber is a goddamn hero 17 comments