


— NeedMoreC4 Report User
This guy knows what's up 5 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
People who believe in that research are. 5 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
@lilyisamazing yes, so that would make all the facts 0% wrong so everything you read is true
People who believe in that research are. 5 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
but then again you have to keep in mind that studies show that 60% of all facts are incorrect
Good news everyone! 124 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
Lmao "such common tactics surely won't work on me" "I am not your average internet user" lmfao this guy took debate in highschool and now he thinks he's a genius. I would post it on r/iamverysmart if I could be bothered to.
3 · Edited 6 years ago
Good news everyone! 124 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
texas is idiotic when it comes to religion and anything that goes conflicts with traditional christian values but other than that its a good place
Newton’s Lesser Known Law 2 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
The post already said that? ....twice
The movie you will never see 19 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
but what was the budget though... because if the movie was set to come out when all the producers are dead did they really spend millions to make a good film while they stood to make no profit whatsoever (most likely)?
8 · Edited 6 years ago
Eat everything 23 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
When I said I couldn't tell if you guys were kidding at the time I didn't know there was a SSB game where Kirby was good lol
Eat everything 23 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
I can't tell if you guys are kidding or not
Every break...Wtf 4 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
For a second I was wondering what you meant by "every break" before I realized people still watch cable tv
Any plans tonight? Oh, nothing really. Just going to 2 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago 3 · Edited 6 years ago
The emoji movie 24 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
I s omehow k ow what cool cat saves the kids is but I don't remember how or why
Yeah, sure dude. Whatever 14 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
Once you have their IP it's easy to figure out where they are
Give this guy a cookie 15 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
How tf is that even edgy what
Talk about being unlucky 11 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
Oh, you mean nothing is truly random? As in, if we could somehow knew all contributing factor acting on an event, we would always be able to know what the outcome would be? That makes sense I think but we can still make reasonable estimates for all practical purposes or compare a single outcome to amount of seemingly possible alternate outcomes...right? And yeah quantam something something is truly random but let's ignore that.
So be kind 2 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
WRONG 36 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
okay, chakun, youre now never allowed to criticise any product, service, or any form of media because you should just do it yourself if you have a problem with it. if your government is oppressive, you cant complain, you can just make your own government! if you dont like something about a movie, you shouldnt critique it, you should just produce your own multi-million dollar movie with a hundred person production team... you idiot!
Talk about being unlucky 11 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
you cant estimate the likelihood of any past events having happened...? lol, wut?
Humanity 19 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
"moral compass" is a common phrase. "moral barometer" makes no sense as a metaphor and is something ive only ever heard him say, and a lot of people made fun of him for it. lol
Humanity 19 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
>moral barometer
someone's a fan of steve harvey
Insane control 11 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
I genuinely can't tell if you made that up or this is real and that's the name. That sounds absolutely ridiculous lol
Great discussion about religion 31 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
Those scientists didn't know everything we do now about the subject. And we could go on with this and I actually could cite a lot of that evidence I keep mentioning but I can tell I'm not goin to change your mind and vice versa.
How I get comfortable 7 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
Great discussion about religion 31 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
I'll try to get back to you and edit this comment to reply to your specific points once ive done more research. like i said, i know little about abiogenesis
Great discussion about religion 31 comments
needmorec4 · 6 years ago
evolution is a constantly ongoing thing. the sum it up extremely simply its just how life adapts to its surroundings. You can believe all life arose 6000 years ago and that evolution has been happening since. And saying Catholics that believe in evolution "haven't done enough research" is incredibly arrogant. I know many such people that are very devout and has careers in science and know a lot about biology and such. Lots of people don't interpret the creation account to be literal 24 hour days. Also, why do you insist on vaguely labeling everything as a "belief" as if that makes those ideas equal? I can believe that there are deers on mars- even though there is no evidence for it and a mountain of evidence against it. I can also "believe" that evolution is real but there's a mountain of evidence in favor of it and it is regarded as fact by any self respecting educated scientist of any related subjects.