

pew pew

— 47ChromeAKs Report User
If you are there pour a little beer on my grave 2 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
If you died before getting to legal drinking age is it illegal to pour a beer on your grave?
Come on wamen 10 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
Promises have been made before
Well a least its open now 1 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
Valentines day is fast approaching
Sorry buddy 2 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
Stories of a life worth living
Come on wamen 10 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
Your feet?
I made this for you 1 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
Even better when you’re multilingual
East vs West mentalities 1 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
That one guy in Sekiro
Come on wamen 10 comments
nelson · 3 years ago 2
A long day of ruining my own life 1 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
It’s not easy work, but nothing worth doing is
*** biggers 1 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
Join the Church of Last Thursdayism. They believe that the universe was created last Thursday, but with the physical appearance of being billions of years old
Good ol' days 5 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
You do have a reputation
Headpats Day 26 - Pika-pats 4 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
No thanks, I’m allergic
Forwards, For the Emperor (Redux) 2 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
HACKERMAN 1 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
Are you 18
Bullied embryo depress Stork 9 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
Today is your lucky day. I know a place that has so many free skeletons
Just trying to get some help on my history test 3 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
*writes down mostly dildos*
Ironic 3 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
Looks like Twitter made their own Uganda
5 · Edited 3 years ago
Even I can't escape it 8 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
I thought we were bois, now I find you keeping top shelf memes to yourself
How to infect the world, a guide 5 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
Oh god! They’re everywhere!!!
Even I can't escape it 8 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
How dare you not include me
A washroom in the moon 3 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
*Fun fact
The US government hired Stanley Kubrick to film a fake moon landing, but being the perfectionist that he is, they realized that actually going to the moon was far cheaper than funding Kubrick’s film idea
Ah yes a fair fight 3 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
Kong has opposable thumbs
Pastoral lovely Ram 3 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
and you think this will protect you from death
Just want some homies 4 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
Then what is FunSubstance?
I have a hardhat now 9 comments
nelson · 3 years ago
Does a red hat mean you’re the danger?
3 · Edited 3 years ago