

pew pew

— 47ChromeAKs Report User
Hot Cage 5 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Those thighs go on forever
Say one sentence that would trigger someone in any fanbase 22 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Voldemort did nothing wrong
I'm sorry I called you trash. Please come out 5 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
@Catfluff no!!!
I love cats. My cat jumped in the bin for no reason. Please talk to him
I'm sorry I called you trash. Please come out 5 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
-If you drive a large truck or SUV, turn off your headlights while going through a drive thru. The people in front of you will greatly appreciate it
Hurricane tips 9 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I mean the entire continent of Africa doesn’t have the same action you guys have with Mother Nature
Hurricane tips 9 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Why do the elements hate America? Hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, earthquakes. It’s like the country was built on an Indian burial ground
Love yourself damnit! 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
None of the others will come if you have no money
Spitting facts 17 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
If you’re a cat don’t let @mia_linay know. She will find you and she will pet you. You have no say
Right? 11 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Texas’s mom said he can’t be friends with Kansas and Colorado anymore
You could only exist here and now 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
But then I wouldn’t be me
Kakapo 6 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
My conclusion is that the kakapo is screaming because you got carried away
The last Covid variant surrenders to UN Space Force troops, marking the end of the Covid 6 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
If it took over 100 years to beat it then we’re COVID’s vagina
I can’t decide 9 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
@memesgobrrr either you’ve moved beyond cute maids (which I doubt) or you’re an unwashed savage yet to be properly cultured
Absolute lmao 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Or Facebook banning conspiracy theories
You could only exist here and now 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I’d rather “be” without this massive hangover
Ill go first, grab my head 73 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I’m sorry I called you a dumbass mr mouse as I watched you die in the mouse trap because cheese is delicious.
@mia_linay I know @demryn is somewhere close with his axe
LOL JK 11 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.
-Matthew 13:12 (NIV)
Ill go first, grab my head 73 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I didn’t spend 20 years fighting in the Jain pits of Masada to earn the right to hold hands with my girl, for these two knuckleheads to do it for free
Ill go first, grab my head 73 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Sounds like a trap, but ok
I can feel this picture 7 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
My ears started ringing when I read that
Le kickflip 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Pony Hawk Horse Skater 2 was a classic game
*hoards gold* 2 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
The cool thing about being the world’s “hold my beer” guy is you get to keep the loser’s gold
Ill go first, grab my head 73 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Take me to Sarah Connor
Ill go first, grab my head 73 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
*bursts through the door*
Smells like illegal hand holding in here
Ill go first, grab my head 73 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle