

pew pew

— 47ChromeAKs Report User
He died for a cause 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
What do you think chocolate is made of
Social justice has gone too far 11 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Because only Jesus is without stain
Really says a lot 5 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
It’s literally on his shirt
They Did WHAT?? 2 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
You think a chameleon from the 1800s would struggle to fit in with Gen Z chameleons?
True Strength 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
US soldiers looking for WMDs in Iraq 5 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Not finding any is better for the world
Had me there 2 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Just because you’re dying does not excuse you from capitalism
Ukraine shifts recruitment pools 2014 2 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I’m learning German, so I can pretend to be from Germany in Ukraine
I’m feeling pretty brave. Will post proof 5 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Sounds gay so no thanks
eduwucation 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
This a moment where different people come together in agreement
US soldiers looking for WMDs in Iraq 5 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
We ain’t found shit, yet :)
German anon bringing the bants 1 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Misleading stupid people is a great pastime of us. Unfortunately, sometimes they believe what we say
eduwucation 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I was hoping that had a source for us
Venezuela 2.0 incoming 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I don’t care about armies killing each other. But killing civilians is a No. Why?
The One Where Monica Pulls a Funny Face During Phoebe's Wedding 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I am here to like your comment. Bye
1 · Edited 2 years ago
I’m feeling pretty brave. Will post proof 5 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Go to mars and confirm that it’s not gay
I might offend some particular group with this 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Death is the answer to the disease that is life
Completely normal 2 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
As long as it shoots my ex
Haha yes 7 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
The one you seek is a wild as I, but knows no mercy
Me introvert 1 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
But I am a living lesson in flair and style! You just can't help but stare at my savoir-faire
Exactly how is this dude holding that drum?? 9 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
They also blamed Catholics, the Dutch, and miscellaneous other foreigners 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
As an Aussie, blaming the Brits is a good rule of thumb
SilverTalon > Tom89 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
You putting together a team?
If you're a ghost without a haunt, my Ouija Board is open for you 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
You can go anywhere in the world, maybe even to space. Ghosts that choose to hide in boiler rooms and rattle chains are stupid.
4 · Edited 2 years ago
Sure sure I'll call 2 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
He wrote a 100 page essay on why he can’t make it, then boiled it down to a haiku