

pew pew

— 47ChromeAKs Report User
Sleepy doge 1 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
1 · Edited 2 years ago
Pictures that go hard 6 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Call this number for a great time:
Consent 5 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
What constitutes consent? Because you telling me to do it, and then me willingly doing it, could be argued to be consent for whatever you’d do to my hands and legs
1 · Edited 2 years ago
What now? 2 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
The james web team must be fuming
Should I be worried 6 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
>You know, to him you’re the alien
>>Shut up! I’m on my home planet so that thing is the only alien here
Guys watching their drunk friend going home with a cougar 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Let him go!
It's how Aussies cling to the underside of the flat earth 1 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
ɯɹıɟuoɔ uɐƆ
Now there's an idea 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
To be fair balls also have blood in them
They see me Rollin .. 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
You know what, you’re right. I do deserve a Ferrari. My empty bank account is only holding me back, and guns are way easy to find
Tomato 7 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I’m a copyright lawyer. Hire me please
Internet chad does it again: what did expect from a billionaire troll? 3 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Elon Musk is very good at getting our attention
Jeff Bezos riding Space Mountain alone 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
That’s why he bought every single seat
Jeff Bezos riding Space Mountain alone 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
It’s lonely at the top. But OMG is it wild!!!
-Bef Nebos
2 · Edited 2 years ago
Mmm delicious 14 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Mom! Please come pick me up. There’s a stranger looking at me
He's got a point 7 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
You know it. We’d eat each other if things get bad enough
<3 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
(2012 - 2022) - a man opens fire in a mall in Denmark, 3 dead. 4 wounded
(July 4, 2022) - 68 people shot across the continental US. 8 people dead
(July 5, 2022) - US Republican sentiment- “You see! Gun control doesn’t work”
<3 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
5. Uganda discovers $12,000,000,000,000 worth of gold
US Military: Sounds like someone needs some freedom
<3 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
4. Bonbong the superchad wins the elections and immediately, he abolishes the PACC( Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission) looking into his father, the Guinness world record holder for theft of public funds
<3 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
1. Chad Putin puts a gun to global stability, we call his bluff. The madman pulls the trigger
2. Nigel convinces us to ghost the EU. We fucken do it. The PM can’t believe it and pulls out. A B C happens and Boris the clown resigns after 40+ members of his cabinet resigns
3. Biden twiddles his thumbs. “Oh gee, Oh golly I sure wish I knew someone who could stop the republicans taking over”, he says
3 · Edited 2 years ago
He's got a point 7 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I think your encounters are illegal on both planets, @funkmasterrex. Also a civilization can advance into the space age regardless of biological urges. Evolution and Darwinism on Earth + limited resources created the situation here where violence and competition are the the rule, not the exception. If planet B had unlimited resources, maybe they developed fast and evolved into peaceful beings who spread peace and love throughout their galaxy. When they meet us - we will annihilate them, absorb their knowledge and spread to their homeworld
1 · Edited 2 years ago
He's got a point 7 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
What if they alien warrior yells “For Christ!” Whose side you on now?
Potatoes! 7 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
I bring potato chips
Mmm delicious 14 comments
nelson · 2 years ago
Pro tip - eat vegans.
-Save the environment
-lower population
-still a vegetarian
-still get to eat meat
pit 4 comments
nelson · 2 years ago