They sleep where she wants them to!? 3 comments
· 8 years ago
No, they're just dead kitties.
Man adapts his house for his old dog 5 comments
Bad luck I guess 11 comments
· 8 years ago
You think they are real because they look really perky? Gonna have another look to see if I can be sure.
Hat pupper, vv nice, 10/10 would pet 2 comments
· 8 years ago
He doesn't look like he feels nice. He looks like he's thinking "Get this shit off me. I'm a dog not a fuckin' doll you can dress up."
Wise Word from bird 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Don't try this at home folks. It's not big and it's not funny. Ok it might be funny but...
Believe in Yourself 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Batman can believe he's going to win the race all day long, he's still going to get his ass handed to him.
the only thing i care about 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Dog is thinking "That's not how you do doggy style. I'll show her how to do be a real animal."
Or about myself and my sanity 2 comments
· 8 years ago
"I had the weirdest dream. I dreamt I woke up and had the head of a cat"
Looks in the mirror "Fuuuuuu......"
Looks in the mirror "Fuuuuuu......"
Unhand me, I am the KRAKEN!!! 4 comments
For some reason this is a common occurrence 11 comments
For some reason this is a common occurrence 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Or a whole army of ants if they are marching in a straight line like they do. That's exciting! Not that I would do it. It's just cruel. In fact I'll just go with your idea and run over old people.
For some reason this is a common occurrence 11 comments
I've had people not recognize me without glasses 4 comments
· 8 years ago
I get this all the time when I wear my glasses. People ignore me and walk straight past. It often happens even when I'm not wearing glasses. I must have the best disgui.... Oh.
Footage showing the effects of being shelled 18 hours a day for weeks in a trench in WWI 7 comments
· 8 years ago
You think that's fun? After everything they went through, the physical and mental trauma, you think that getting a partial recovery is fun? Those poor people suffered so that for dumb, ignorant, people like you and whoever it was posted the video to come along and mock and deride them in the name of fun. Is it any wonder the world is in the state it's in now!
Being obese is not a disability! 28 comments
President at work 15 comments
· 8 years ago
How much is gas (petrol) in America? Here in the UK it's around $5.75 (£4.44) per US Gallon.
Dat Brexit banwagon 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Take a look at this vid. It explains what I said but in a way that you can understand much better than my ramblings (I hope!) https://www.facebook.com/ozpoliticallyincorrect/videos/1655630014762457/
Dat Brexit banwagon 11 comments
· 8 years ago
The pound has rebounded. Stock markets have returned to pre-brexit levels. What are the four promises that have been made by the leave campaign? I will freely admit that promises won't be kept. No political party whether they are are pro or anti-europe are capable of telling the truth. I presume it's a prerequisite of being a politition. I voted Out. Not because of immigration, I think it's too late to do anything about that. It was because I don't think it's right that our country is governed by people (loose term) that neither I or anyone else in the UK had a part of voting in. At least now if bad decisions are made, and I'm sure there will be many, it'll be by people that you and I voted in. And if we aren't happy with the decisions made we can vote them out. Not something can be done to MEP's. There will be tough times ahead but the eurozone started falling apart before brexit. Now there are other countries that are considering following us. Brexit has only sped up the inevitable.
Classic 3 comments
· 8 years ago
After eating that I would imagine "No Shit" would be more appropriate. Imagine having to squeeze that thing out of your poop chute!
Close enough 6 comments