Beautiful 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Mavis from Willow the Wisp. Really showing my age now.
What's wrong, cat's got your tongue? 3 comments
Soccer Coaches vs. Hockey Coaches 1 comments
· 7 years ago
You don't see that kind of shit happening in rugby either. Makes me want to puke.
Doggie goes for a ride 5 comments
· 7 years ago
What kind of daft prick rides a motorbike with no protective clothing on?
Supermarket removes all foreign products 46 comments
· 7 years ago
Exactly. All the supermarket has done is highlight what would happen if we didn't trade with foreign countries. That has nothing to do with racism.
Supermarket removes all foreign products 46 comments
· 7 years ago
The majority of migrants coming over illegally on boats are young males, not women and children or the aged. In fact those young fit, capable, men have left the women, children, and aged behind to fend for themselves. Send them back to defend their families and those that can't defend themselves. As for a supermarket highlighting racism, what are they doing to highlight the atrocities of ICIS and Al Qaeda? Or how about the gangs of asians roaming the streets grooming underage children and raping women simply because they consider women to be less than human? Don't come to me with BS telling me to be more tolerant. It's not western countries that are causing the problems.
Need to eat something 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Victoria Beckham. Perhaps if someone did eat it she might actually crack a smile.
That guy is amazing 49 comments
· 7 years ago
My ex kept telling me I had a really bad memory (though in fairness it's usually just because I usually switched off whenever she'd start talking) so yeah, I'd sign up for this.
It's almost a phobia 10 comments
First time hearing a girl not liking a dog 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Leave the girl. There are 3.5 billion of them. Shouldn't be hard to find one that likes your dog.
Amazing artist changes sexualised dolls 21 comments
· 7 years ago
Just because they are made to look like adults doesn't mean they aren't child friendly. It's just eye shade and lipstick etc. Doesn't turn it into some sort of monster. Perhaps children should walk around with their eyes closed in case they see a real adult with make-up on.
Amazing artist changes sexualised dolls 21 comments
· 7 years ago
I think the lady needs to get herself a life. Don't like them, don't buy them.
The butterfly effect 4 comments
How to properly propose to some wife material 22 comments
Pray for me when the time comes 9 comments
· 7 years ago
My life has been the other way around. Lost my health for 6 months, lost my job because of it, lost my GF because of that, then lost my home. Life was pretty dire but things can only get better right?
This is the best response ever 11 comments
Amtrak Train collides with a track full of snow 6 comments
· 7 years ago
And yet in the UK trains stop if it's too sunny, or it's raining too hard, or, and I kid you not, if there are leaves on the line.
How to get rid of 8000 mosquitoes 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Not so sure about putting a couple of noisy fans so near an animal with sensitive hearing that has no way of escaping the noise.