The Sound of Silence 3 comments
· 5 years ago
White noise has a sound. You can hear it. You need a microphone and speaker set up that hears sound and inverts it by 180 degree's thus cancelling out the noise before it hits your ears.
The poooor people 7 comments
A jet with Max[imum] safety 3 comments
Welcome to your inheritance 9 comments
Welcome to your inheritance 9 comments
· 5 years ago
If you had to stay for the duration you'd "only" need to move in for 125,000 hours to get the million which I think amounts to around 14.3 years. Mind you if you take off tax etc you'd have to work almost another 5 years on top of that to reach the million. That's UK deductions, I'm not sure about anywhere else.
Welcome to your inheritance 9 comments
· 5 years ago
Just says you have to be present to collect. Doesn't give a set amount of time you have to stay. Just come in, collect, and go home to your laptop, pillow and comfy blanket.
That's that bullsh 4 comments
What do they do? 1 comments
· 5 years ago
My prime minister isn't just lazing around during the weekend. She's busy 24/7 screwing up the brexit process.
Its okay brother, everything will be fine 5 comments
That tube though! 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Instead of just making him famous how about building a bridge for him to cross the river?
Quality service 2 comments
Finnish comic strip on Brexit 9 comments
· 5 years ago
You are getting into this argument by commenting and not just commenting but by saying things that doen't make an ounce of sense. "Just they voted for Brexit by a small percent." So does that means the vote shouldn't count? As for people not knowing what they were voting for. It's no different now. Then there's your comment about 6m people signing a petition to revoke article 50. 17m people voted out, in fact recent polls show that if the vote was to happen again the majority would still vote leave. It's why none of the parties will commit to having a second referendum. Please, if you are going to argue facts, make sure you get them right in the first place, especially on a subject so emotive.
Every damn time 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Here in the UK I seem to notice the ad's are sometimes a lot louder than the programs though it's been denied by the networks.
Clint eastwood 5 comments
· 5 years ago
I don't see anything wrong with only liking golden retrievers though personally I like other breeds of dog too. Each to their own though.
Absent perfect Yak 7 comments
· 5 years ago
So they fuck the old man first then he fucks them? As enticing as it sounds I'm out.
Resolute false Wildcat 3 comments
EU! You won the battle. But the war is just started. Citizens of the EU unite! 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Unfortunately our politicians have been self serving for so long that they've forgotten how to serve the country. They've let unelected EU bureaucrats dictate what happens to us for as long as they can remember and now that they have to make a decision on their own they have absolutely no idea what to do. No matter what results from all their petty bickering they've proven to the world they are completely incapable of running a country. We are royally screwed whether we stay in the EU or not.
Good ol’ Brits 1 comments
· 5 years ago
And they did learn to understand, much better than we learned to understand their language.
Mornin’ *half-ass hand wave* 1 comments
Come to think about it 6 comments
· 5 years ago
I've noticed fewer and fewer of my friends make posts on Facebook anymore and those that do usually just put crap meme's up that you've seen numerous times already. I don't use it much anymore.
Man that's crazy 6 comments
· 5 years ago
I agree - https://www.businessinsider.com/chernobyl-volunteers-divers-nuclear-mission-2016-4?r=US&IR=T
Adventure buds 5 comments