Am I on the news now? 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Maximus Mighty-Dog Mueller. Now that's a name! Got his own website too. https://mayormax.com/
Stop commercializing culture 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Yeah, I think it's abhorrent that because Coca-Cola used the image of Father Christmas millions of children (and adults) are enjoying Christmas just that little bit more. What's next? Appropriation of the birth of Jesus Christ in order to have an excuse to give gifts, eat too much, drink too much and have a bit of fun?
Summer Time 3 comments
Uplifting content 7 comments
Must protect him 4 comments
A captain and his ship 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Winning the Blue Riband doesn't mean the ship is the best liner ever, but simply that it's the fastest. It could be argued that today's modern, bigger, more technologically advanced ships are much better than any ship built in the 1950's. The only reason the Blue Riband hasn't been won since 1952 is because with the era of jet airliner travel, speed on sea liners is no longer of interest to passengers or freight operators. Luxury or value for money are the main factors when deciding to sail instead of fly.
Yeet that child 8 comments
· 5 years ago
@mrdad01 That's brilliant, made me laugh out loud! To follow up your second comment... I also find a hot shower or bath helps with my migraines, followed with ibuprofen and sleep in a dark room. Takes me about two to get over them. Not fun.
Children at a Puppet Show. Paris, 1963 1 comments
Melted five tense Goose 3 comments
It do be like that 1 comments
· 5 years ago
How much does gas and electricity cost in an average house or flat in the US. From the UK and just curious.
You can work here and still have your dignity. - Denmark, probably 45 comments
· 5 years ago
Here in the UK only the RMT is strong enough to get it's members (huge) pay rises. All the rest aren't worth paying a subscription to.
I suppose that's what it seens like when I do the talking and opening the doors for them. 4 comments
Highly recommended miniseries 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Compelling and frightening in equal measure. Great series. I read somewhere that the Russians are making their own version implying the Americans infiltrated the power plant and caused the explosion. I kid you not! I'd actually be interested in watching this too.
Just an act of kindness 10 comments
· 5 years ago
My better half carries a pair of small plimsolls in her handbag when she's out on the tiles.
I would watch this season 18 comments
Mission report May 23rd 2019!! 16 comments
Let's do this 3 comments
· 5 years ago
But we will do it with utmost decorum and a stiff upper lip. Then get blisteringly drunk and turn into yobs.
Wholesome life 6 comments
· 5 years ago
I dream of a day like this only with a nice cup of tea, not coffee. Or maybe a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. Yeah, that's what I dream of. Hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. Oh, and all that other stuff.