Final touches to a house to make it a home

Final touches to a house to make it a home

The sponge is cheesecake!

The sponge is cheesecake!

That's cold, David.

That's cold, David.

Marriage telepathy...My husband and I bought each other the same gift

Marriage telepathy...My husband and I bought each other the same gift

When your work is fun and furry.

When your work is fun and furry.

Nature's Sense of Humor

Nature's Sense of Humor

Tried to take a nice photo of the cats for Christmas

Tried to take a nice photo of the cats for Christmas

The hero they needed (Toy Story 2)

The hero they needed (Toy Story 2)

10lb Bag of Mice

10lb Bag of Mice

Pretend you didn't hear Susan

Pretend you didn't hear Susan
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