Moron, you were just a few thousand dollars away from being loved unconditionally

Moron, you were just a few thousand dollars away from being loved unconditionally

Comment of the month

Comment of the month

You can milk me if you insist... Moo... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You can milk me if you insist... Moo... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Breathing is fun

Breathing is fun

I mean yes, but also yes

I mean yes, but also yes

Trrriiiinn trrrriinn

Trrriiiinn trrrriinn

Please return your atoms in the state you found them when you're done.

Please return your atoms in the state you found them when you're done.

Luigi is in fact correct Hidden

Not safe for work

But if she did know where it was.

But if she did know where it was.

How dare you still live

How dare you still live
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