

Alliololananonami x2

— nicengelman Report User
Low budget adventure flying through the woods 4 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
At first I thought the tapestry itself was a picture of a cat flying through the woods and I thought "good buy"
Nobody expected this tho 1 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
This was the best reveal in history. The way it happened under the dialogue that was being spoken by other people, in a far wide shot, there was no way in a million years you'd know this was coming without prior knowledge
Ever elegant 6 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
I had to do a lot of searching to find out why a goofy song from the 80's would make you a degenerate, and I was left a little disappointed
Ever elegant 6 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Woah Hellcat
Haha free chain go brr 17 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
It just occurred to me how noisy that shit has to be
Haha free chain go brr 17 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Alright, honestly, imagine how good it would feel to grab some of those chains and just yaaaaaank
Haha free chain go brr 17 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
That's going to age well
I'm depressed AF 9 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
I don't know who this person is but can we find a shallow puddle of piss and hold his face in it until the bubbles stop?
Nope nothing to see here move along number 47 9 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
I'm glad you said it @xvarnah
And then there's this .. 6 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
It's really great, it has such a reverent tone
TINY GOONS 5 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
That's why I leave my kids in the woods.
I'm gonna tell my kids that this is Machine Gun Kelly 2 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Worst rap name ever
Look girl, no judgement here, but... 9 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
The saddest thing is that there's so many things here that should be hot, and it's just not sexy
Look girl, no judgement here, but... 9 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
He's there to talk to her about her slouchy posture
Teddy has to get used to wearing a harness 2 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
SO many beans
The Beatles become big in America 4 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Kanye doesn't have near the regard that the Beatles do
The Beatles become big in America 4 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
I know I'm going to catch hell for saying this, but the Beatles are the most overrated thing in history
Wow 4 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
How it started going, how it's
You guys ready to go to Kaiju Street 1 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
The sad thing is so few people have seen Shin Godzilla that they won't get the differences here
Sybil Ludington 3 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
People don't talk near enough about these horses
Halloweenies! 4 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
It does look yummy
Aww 9 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Eh, it's better than being called "my bitch." Only slightly but still
When your boss is an entitled a-hole 16 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
What's even sadder is that they have to track UPH to begin with, because they don't trust their workers to do the one thing they hired them to do. Businesses are so obsessed with finding problems that they're willing to create them.
f*ck NO 1 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Man, you find a gas station with good attendants, that's the gas station you use for life
Footgoose 11 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
You're never, ever safe