

Alliololananonami x2

— nicengelman Report User
The good ol'days 4 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Well things weren't exactly that great for them in the 1950's either
The good ol'days 4 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
And no blacks no jews no asians
I need this 5 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
I don't take advice from anyone named McNutt
Good advice 10 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Right, but there's a difference between giving respect and being polite
Good advice 10 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Nah. I counter this with "Respect is earned, not given"
Why you ain’t just quit? 6 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Yeah but at least some people are enjoying battlefield
Title describing the post 3 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Amen brother
Ode Le Stank Mouth by Kelvin Clarn 1 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Dude has something wrong with his face because arby's sauce on roast beef is soooooo delicious
Nice 12 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
So there's five conservative posts a day but no one should post a liberal one?
Why you ain’t just quit? 6 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Like, I could understand it being kind of bad or something, just disappointing. But it's literally one of the biggest fuck-ups in gaming history.
It’s funny 2 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Hold on to that feeling
Why you ain’t just quit? 6 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Good luck even playing up to that scene. Biggest fucking rip off I've ever been duped by, I broke my own personal rule and pre-ordered
Everything's a slur! 7 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
This is one of those things I looked up thinking it might be hyperbole or something someone just completely made up and it. Is. Not.
But you'll die 9 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Thank you for researching this for us!
Why have we evolved this way? 7 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Dude if you feel this way after masturbating you really should talk to a therapist.
Be cautious - might be a trap 5 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
No I mean that women have a tendency to taste something and think it's bad so they go to get someone else's opinion without warning them first
Be cautious - might be a trap 5 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
But if they say "taste this" it's fucking rotten
Late, but great 4 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
I like how Pikachu has a Garfield tumor growing from her head
Photography Live & Dead Presentation 5 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Penny Dreadful?
They’re weird af 1 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
You win
Fillosuffee 3 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Or, if you're like the person that said the quote, you could badger women into watching you masturbate
My bf showed this to me btw 3 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
You'd have to be pretty fucking stupid
Be Gay Do Crimes 5 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Now if I put a chocolate bar in someone else's pocket, does that mean...
Brian discovered fire today. 3 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Even without the typo this was a pointless statement. You're never done evolving, it just takes so long to happen that it seems like nothing is changing
Air bud just keeps barking 3 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
He's not wrong