

Alliololananonami x2

— nicengelman Report User
Hogwarts competition 5 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
For a bot post this is...really something else
Average IT technicians 1 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
I want that. The hammock, not the tech.
I broke my rule on arguing politics here, so here's a brick wall for you guys to yell at 25 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
We all just became slightly more hip
All worries 6 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
I want this kitten
Medical Misinformation and Youtube 4 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Seriously though how fucking stupid does someone have to be to believe this shit will regrow their teeth? The ad keeps popping up for me and I'm almost curious enough to research what on earth allows them to make this claim
6 · Edited 2 years ago
Who needs 10+ hours 3 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
I'm an idiot, I just got the joke
Who needs 10+ hours 3 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
I'm confused, is this supposed to be an actual complaint about the extended versions of the Lord of the Rings movies?
Uhm a you okay Texas? 19 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
It's funny how they've just completely committed to being the official dumb-ass state
John Kra-gains-ki 2 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
I wish I could get HGH
Wet the dry the wet 7 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Sometimes when I think about spaghetti I feel like I might throw up
Love this song 2 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
And now I have his heart. And a kidney.
Claimed 6 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
So far the new Batman looks awesome, I love how the Batmobile is pretty much a muscle car
Goat Funsub! 5 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
All of these things would be so much funnier without the Obvious Plant logo
Yeah, stupid inclusion 8 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
I literally skipped past this post thinking no one could possibly fail to understand this joke. I got redirected back here to find out I was very, very wrong.
Even a frog gets to eat fried chicken 2 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Now I feel bad for not feeding more frogs
Don't blow on me 6 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Building a house out of wolf balls would send a message too
Spy Kids 3 9 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Dude how did this movie pay for it's casting alone? I'm almost tempted to watch it just for the weirdness
This otter get some extra credit 9 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
I've played with river otters and as long as self defense doesn't come into play they're little sweeties. And I think they're even cuter than sea otters
Wholesome Substance 25 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Insurrection. Treason. Call a spade a spade.
Wholesome Substance 25 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Commit a crime and do the time
This otter get some extra credit 9 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
A baby platypus is also extremely fucking cute
This otter get some extra credit 9 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
Oh my god the way they hold hands in the water is the cutest fucking thing
This otter get some extra credit 9 comments
nicengelman · 2 years ago
There are few things cuter than otters. Usually the only thing cuter than an otter is another otter