

Alliololananonami x2

— nicengelman Report User
They're not bad 3 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
Better Call Saul is an AMC show, it's on Netflix but not an Original
Getting up there 7 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
You rock, thank you for the info!
Getting up there 7 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
Now if anyone could tell me where the hell this image is from
Spoopy 2 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
I don't get this one
Unsafely Dance 1 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
Do the necromance
What do you think 10 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
I'll watch fucking anything with Hiroyuki Sanada
Whatsapp ricky 5 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
I love when a 90s has-been starts talking shit about people that have never even heard of them before
With a million more well on the way 1 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
Lol Attack of the Clones immediately became my favorite Star Wars movie when it came out. I will never, ever forget the absolute madness that ensued throughout the entire building when Yoda came and took out his lightsaber. The movie was running in every theater, most of them at the same time, and you could hear everyone cheering and jumping around.
3 · Edited 1 year ago
Cool 16 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
I've been around farming areas my whole life and I've never seen an unmanned produce stand
Cool 16 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
It really bums me out that this would take about five minutes in America to completely backfire.
Their look says it all 3 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
I thought these were Pokemon at first and it still worked the same way.
Went to a friend's house and his mom is a staunch Christian. She has a picture of Jesus 4 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
I was thinking Gosling and Jared Leto
Why is she flashing her son? 2 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
Her butt is on the wrong side
One emotion: a n g e r y 3 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
I was literally thinking the exact same thing
rings 10 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
Accurate beyond words
Or grass 1 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
I laughed way harder at this than I should have
Anon is lonely 10 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
When I was in fourth grade my parents invited everyone, fucking everyone from my grade, and set up a huge party. My teachers came and that was it. I got a book from one of my teachers about animals that is still somewhere in my parent's attic. The hardest part was when we just gave up and went inside to open my family gifts. It felt so fucking pathetic. My parents just sort of hung out with the teachers the whole time, so I never really saw any reaction to the situation. To this day I just try to let my birthday pass in silence, and whenever anyone tries to do anything to mark the occasion, I know they aren't but I just feel like they're trying to make me not feel pathetic.
RIP Micky G 3 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
I'm having a Mandela moment, I thought he died like 25 years ago. Guy had definitely been low-key for a while
Never let them know your next move 1 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
This is going to be some epic fucking badminton
John DeMol Jr creates Big Brother, 1999 5 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
Me too. And I still think it'd be a great watch.
Choose your path 9 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
This is uh, pretty fucking true
Good parenting 4 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
The amount of water in the tub made me anxious.
Always be prepared before eating soup in bed 3 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
This is how you stop the spot
golden chrysalises of the Tithorea tarricina butterfly 1 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
I never heard of this before, I'm now obsessed with this butterfly
Forgot to post this, finished it bout a month ago 9 comments
nicengelman · 1 year ago
Holy shit, Santa was really good to someone this year