

I'm Phan Trash

— nightshadecat Report User
incredibly striking historical photos 22 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
Indeed suicide is not beautiful unless to save others even then its just an ugly necessary :( you can't deny it was very elegant and spectacular in a way though
2 · Edited 7 years ago
the look on his face is so perfect 11 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
Nonexistent. If you want it, find it yourself.
Even with all those bad news on tv, we never were a more peaceful species 15 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
You do realize that was only 25ish years ago and not a different age of mankind?
Calm 3 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
Just like my teeth before I got braces *middle-class kid with wealthy grandparents chuckle*
incredibly striking historical photos 22 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
I had to resize it which is why the quality is shit. Sorry! At least you can still read it, right?
best headline ever 5 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
...what? Why are you making this about tumblr? Lmao it's just supposed to be a humorous image. Chill.
best headline ever 5 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
No, no, the person is applauding that the government is working to help these endangered ferrets; they're just pointing out how absurd the headline is. I can't believe you just got offended by this haha. Like really?
when you realize 4 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
What am I missing here
Appreciate the beard 13 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
Trains are the best 12 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
*tiny voice* hello!
So Tell Me, What's Bothering You? 2 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
haha get rekt u ass 12 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
Dude texts OP with batman spoiler, implying that Dude is better than OP for some reason. OP fires back with bigger spoiler, and fuckin rekts the Dude.
taaaaake onnn meeeeeeeee (take, on, me) taaaaaaake meeeee onn 8 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
I hope you guys appreciate how beautiful the title is.
hmm oh yes perfect logic 18 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
Not enough grammar. Couldn't read. Will delete soon if not fixed
hmm oh yes perfect logic 18 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
Wow, your grammar is almost as bad is dimmy's
ffs mate. 46 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
Yeah it's not like your turtle can say "you know, Susan, I've always felt like a girl."
hmm oh yes perfect logic 18 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
Why yes, showing acceptance to gays will make your children more comfortable in their sexuality and as a result produce secure gays instead of straights who think there's something wrong with them.
Big booty hoes 10 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
"chief of the English language" lmao please stab me
too accurate 23 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
Why are you bringing armies into this? Stop steering away from the point.
too accurate 23 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
Sorry. Accident. I do agree that as a result of mammal gestation, women are generally physically weaker to men, but in modern times (and in developed countries) this has become far less relevant, making your argument flimsy.
6 · Edited 7 years ago
too accurate 23 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
Quotes from you, sweet dimmy:
"women getting pregnant isnt the only reason because we are better in most areas"
"in most cases women arent going to stack up to men so when it comes down to who is best for the job men will win out in most cases theres a reason why men are the alpha"
Oh. Hmm. What's this? It looks like you do in fact think women are inferior. Your grammar can still use some work, by the way.
too accurate 23 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
I swear, your grammar gets worse and worse. Sorry, but your comment is ridiculously difficult to read. Does the punctuation button also not work on your phone?
too accurate 23 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
Wait, wait, I think I misinterpreted dimmy's second comment. I was on topic of his previous comments that claim women to be inferior to men. My bad.
too accurate 23 comments
nightshadecat · 7 years ago
You're automatically a troll because this is the 21st century and those sort of views are either from the 1300's or, more likely, from a troll. Haha, are you serious? Lol you're such a terrible troll. Keep trying, sweetie.